Gmina Gronowo Elbląskie
Details | Number of |
Inhabitants | 0.999950164 984 |
Voters | 0.999960653 935 |
Polling districts | 0.999999982 |
- Elections to Rady Gminy Gronowo Elbląskie
- Elections Wójta Gminy Gronowo Elbląskie
- The results of voting for city council
- The results of elections for city council
- The results of voting and elections for the head of the commune
- Geography
Aggregated information on polling districts
Polling district No. | Address | Polling district type | Location accessible to disabled persons | Polling district boundaries |
1 | Zespół Szkół, Osiedlowa 6A Gronowo Elbląskie | stały | Yes | Gronowo Elbląskie, Oleśno, Dworki, Rozgart, Różany, Jasionno, Fiszewo, Mojkowo |
2 | Zespół Szkół, Malborska 43 Jegłownik | stały | No | Jegłownik, Nogat, Szopy, Wikrowo, Wiktorowo, Błotnica, Karczowiska Górne, Kopanka Pierwsza, Kopanka Druga, Nowy Dwór Elbląski, Gajewiec |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
Aggregated information on constituencies
Constituency | Boundaries | Number of | |||
mandates | Voters | Registered lists | candidates from all lists | ||
0.0000010000No. 1 | Fiszewo, Dworki | 0.999999991 | 0.99999706294 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 |
0.0000020000No. 2 | Oleśno | 0.999999991 | 0.99999791209 | 0.999999973 | 0.999999973 |
0.0000030000No. 3 | Rozgart, Różany | 0.999999991 | 0.99999802198 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 |
0.0000040000No. 4 | Jasionno, Gronowo Elbląskie ul. Polna, ul. Żuławska, ul. Świerkowa, ul. Łączności, ul. Okrężna | 0.999999991 | 0.99999648352 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 |
0.0000050000No. 5 | Mojkowo, Gronowo Elbląskie ul. Dojazdowa, ul. Kolejowa, ul. Krótka, ul. Elbląska | 0.999999991 | 0.99999725275 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 |
0.0000060000No. 6 | Gronowo Elbląskie ul. Przemysłowa, ul. Osiedlowa Nr 11, 13, 29, 33, 35 | 0.999999991 | 0.99999711289 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 |
0.0000070000No. 7 | Gronowo Elbląskie ul. Osiedlowa Nr 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 30 | 0.999999991 | 0.99999793207 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 |
0.0000080000No. 8 | Gronowo Elbląskie ul. Osiedlowa Nr 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 | 0.999999991 | 0.99999715285 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 |
0.0000090000No. 9 | Gajewiec, Karczowiska Górne, Szopy | 0.999999991 | 0.99999722278 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 |
0.0000100000No. 10 | Wikrowo, Wiktorowo | 0.999999991 | 0.99999808192 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 |
0.0000110000No. 11 | Błotnica, Nogat, Kopanka Pierwsza, Kopanka Druga | 0.999999991 | 0.9999973270 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 |
0.0000120000No. 12 | Jegłownik ul. Nowa, ul. Kościelna, ul. Elbląska, ul. Wolności, ul. Jasna, ul. Gronowska, ul. Okrężna, ul. Malborska Nr 1 - 19, 21 | 0.999999991 | 0.99999636364 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 |
0.0000130000No. 13 | Jegłownik ul. Młyńska, ul. Cicha, ul. Polna, ul. Szkolna, ul. Leśna, ul. Malborska Nr 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 69 | 0.999999991 | 0.99999704296 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 |
0.0000140000No. 14 | Nowy Dwór Elbląski, Jegłownik ul. Nowodworska, ul. Krótka, ul. Różana, ul. Lipowa, ul. Malborska Nr 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 55 | 0.999999991 | 0.99999779221 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 |
0.0000150000No. 15 | Jegłownik ul. Nogatu, ul. Miodowa, ul. Długa, ul. Malborska, Nr 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 | 0.999999991 | 0.99999795205 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 |
Summary | 0.9999998515 | 0.999960653 935 | 0.9999997525 | 0.9999997525 |
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Aggregated information on the lists of candidates
List No. | The name of an election committee (list no or alpabetical order) | Abbreviated name of the committee | Number of candidates in constituency No. | Candidates total | ||||||||||||||
No. 1 | No. 2 | No. 3 | No. 4 | No. 5 | No. 6 | No. 7 | No. 8 | No. 9 | No. 10 | No. 11 | No. 12 | No. 13 | No. 14 | No. 15 | ||||
15 | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW GMINY GRONOWO ELBLĄSKIE | KWW GMINY GRONOWO ELBLĄSKIE | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0.9999998515 |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Aggregated information on candidates for office
No. | Family name and given names | Age | Education | Committee name | Endorsement | Party member | Address | Content of a lustration statement |
1 | ŚLĘZAK Marcin Szczepan | 40 | Wyższe | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW GMINY GRONOWO ELBLĄSKIE | Gronowo Elbląskie |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
The results of voting in constituencies
Constituency | Number of | Turnout | Number of valid votes | % of valid votes | Voting fact | ||||
entitled | Delivered ballot paper | Votes cast | |||||||
1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Without voting | Nie | ||||
2 | 0.99999791209 | 0.99999886114 | 0.99999886114 | 54.55% | 0.05455 |
0.99999887113 | 99.12% | 0.09912 |
Tak |
3 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Without voting | Nie | ||||
4 | 0.99999641359 | 0.99999835165 | 0.99999835165 | 45.96% | 0.04596 |
0.99999847153 | 92.73% | 0.09273 |
Tak |
5 | 0.99999727273 | 0.99999867133 | 0.99999867133 | 48.72% | 0.04872 |
0.99999872128 | 96.24% | 0.09624 |
Tak |
6 | 0.99999709291 | 0.99999871129 | 0.99999871129 | 44.33% | 0.04433 |
0.99999881119 | 92.25% | 0.09225 |
Tak |
7 | 0.99999789211 | 0.9999990199 | 0.9999990199 | 46.92% | 0.04692 |
0.9999990793 | 93.94% | 0.09394 |
Tak |
8 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Without voting | Nie | ||||
9 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Without voting | Nie | ||||
10 | 0.99999808192 | 0.999999280 | 0.999999280 | 41.67% | 0.04167 |
0.9999992179 | 98.75% | 0.09875 |
Tak |
11 | 0.9999973270 | 0.9999992674 | 0.9999992674 | 27.41% | 0.02741 |
0.9999992773 | 98.65% | 0.09865 |
Tak |
12 | 0.99999636364 | 0.99999831169 | 0.99999831169 | 46.43% | 0.04643 |
0.99999837163 | 96.45% | 0.09645 |
Tak |
13 | 0.99999704296 | 0.99999893107 | 0.99999893107 | 36.15% | 0.03615 |
0.999999100 | 93.46% | 0.09346 |
Tak |
14 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Without voting | Nie | ||||
15 | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 | Without voting | Nie |
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Results of voting for committees
List No. | Election Committee | Number of | % of valid votes | ||
Votes for comittee's candidates | Candidates | ||||
10 | KOMITET WYBORCZY PRAWO I SPRAWIEDLIWOŚĆ | 0.99999876124 | 0.999999982 | 12.14% | 0.01214 |
14 | KOMITET WYBORCZY STOWARZYSZENIA "DOBRY SAMORZĄD" | 0.99999873127 | 0.999999982 | 12.44% | 0.01244 |
15 | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW GMINY GRONOWO ELBLĄSKIE | 0.99999488512 | 0.9999998515 | 50.15% | 0.05015 |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
The allotment of seats amongst the lists of election committees
List No. | Election Committee | Number of | % of valid votes | |||
Votes for comittee's candidates | Candidates | mandates | ||||
4 | KOALICYJNY KOMITET WYBORCZY PLATFORMA.NOWOCZESNA KOALICJA OBYWATELSKA | 0.99999742258 | 0.999999946 | 0.999999982 | 25.27% | 0.02527 |
10 | KOMITET WYBORCZY PRAWO I SPRAWIEDLIWOŚĆ | 0.99999876124 | 0.999999982 | 1.10 | 12.14% | 0.01214 |
14 | KOMITET WYBORCZY STOWARZYSZENIA "DOBRY SAMORZĄD" | 0.99999873127 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999991 | 12.44% | 0.01244 |
15 | KOMITET WYBORCZY WYBORCÓW GMINY GRONOWO ELBLĄSKIE | 0.99999488512 | 0.9999998515 | 0.9999998812 | 50.15% | 0.05015 |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Rada Gminy Gronowo Elbląskie - The results of elections
Constituency no. | List No. | Number in the list | Family name and given names | Valid votes cast for the candidate | |||
Number of | % (per constituency) | Mandate | |||||
1 | 15 | 15 | SOBOCIŃSKI Tomasz | 1.1 | Without voting | Yes | |
2 | 4 | 4 | PIASKOWSKA Anna | 0.9999998119 | 16.81% | 0.01681 |
No |
2 | 14 | 14 | GRENDA Jarosław Ludwik | 0.999999370 | 61.95% | 0.06195 |
Yes |
2 | 15 | 15 | PUCHALSKA Marzanna Krystyna | 0.9999997624 | 21.24% | 0.02124 |
No |
3 | 15 | 15 | STAWSKA Bogumiła Zofia | 1.1 | Without voting | Yes | |
4 | 10 | 10 | PACYNA Henryk Eugeniusz | 0.999999370 | 45.75% | 0.04575 |
No |
4 | 15 | 15 | WOJTAL Andrzej | 0.9999991783 | 54.25% | 0.05425 |
Yes |
5 | 14 | 14 | SADOWSKI Artur Mikołaj | 0.9999994357 | 44.53% | 0.04453 |
No |
5 | 15 | 15 | BŁAŻKO Bogdan | 0.9999992971 | 55.47% | 0.05547 |
Yes |
6 | 10 | 10 | ŻAK Grzegorz Mieczysław | 0.9999994654 | 45.38% | 0.04538 |
No |
6 | 15 | 15 | JÓZEFOWSKI Krzysztof Zbigniew | 0.9999993565 | 54.62% | 0.05462 |
Yes |
7 | 4 | 4 | ZAJKOWSKA Katarzyna Joanna | 0.9999994852 | 55.91% | 0.05591 |
Yes |
7 | 15 | 15 | RÓŻ Piotr | 0.9999995941 | 44.09% | 0.04409 |
No |
8 | 15 | 15 | URBANIAK Joanna Elżbieta | 1.1 | Without voting | Yes | |
9 | 15 | 15 | GRELA Iwona Monika | 1.1 | Without voting | Yes | |
10 | 4 | 4 | GOLDBERG Wioleta Anna | 0.9999995347 | 59.49% | 0.05949 |
Yes |
10 | 15 | 15 | WÓJCIK Monika Jolanta | 0.9999996832 | 40.51% | 0.04051 |
No |
11 | 4 | 4 | KATA Marzena Ewa | 0.9999996832 | 43.84% | 0.04384 |
No |
11 | 15 | 15 | GNIDZIŃSKI Marek | 0.9999995941 | 56.16% | 0.05616 |
Yes |
12 | 4 | 4 | SIRKO Barbara | 0.9999993961 | 37.42% | 0.03742 |
No |
12 | 15 | 15 | DOROSZ Krzysztof Wojciech | 0.99999898102 | 62.58% | 0.06258 |
Yes |
13 | 4 | 4 | BORZEJEWICZ Stanisław | 0.9999995347 | 47.00% | 0.047 |
No |
13 | 15 | 15 | BONIECKA Barbara | 0.9999994753 | 53.00% | 0.053 |
Yes |
14 | 15 | 15 | LEWICKI Aleksander | 1.1 | Without voting | Yes | |
15 | 15 | 15 | BLASZKE Henryk Antoni | 1.1 | Without voting | Yes |
Showing 1 to 25 of 25 entries
Aggregated information on candidates for office
No. | Family name and given names | Age | Education | Address, party membership and endorsements | Votes for | % of votes for | Votes againts | Elected |
1 | ŚLĘZAK Marcin Szczepan | 40 | Wyższe | Gronowo Elbląskie, | 1327 | 85.17% | 231 | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
Aggregated information on polling districts
Polling district No. | Address | Polling district type | Number of | Turnout | valid votes | % of valid votes | |||
entitled | Delivered ballot paper | Votes cast | |||||||
1 | Zespół Szkół, Osiedlowa 6A Gronowo Elbląskie | stały | 0.99997892 110 | 0.99999105895 | 0.99999108892 | 42.27% | 0.04227 |
0.99999134866 | 97.09% |
2 | Zespół Szkół, Malborska 43 Jegłownik | stały | 0.999981741 826 | 0.99999295705 | 0.99999295705 | 38.61% | 0.03861 |
0.99999308692 | 98.16% |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
- Geography statistics
Geography statistics
Details | Elections to councils | Number of | Elections for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a town | ||||||
councils | councillors | constituencies | Inhabitants | Voters | Polling districts | number of heads of communes | number of mayors | numebr of presidents of towns | |
communes total | 0.999999991 | 0.9999998515 | 0.9999998515 | 0.999950164 984 | 0.999960653 935 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999991 | 1.1 | 1.1 |