Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Number of
Inhabitants 37 039 754
Voters 30 145 816
Polling districts 26 983
  • Geography


Voivodship Number of Number of Number of elected
Inhabitants Voters Polling districts Constituency for assemblies Counties Communes Heads of the communes Mayors Presidents
Total including:
Towns having the rights of a county over 20 000 inhabitants under 20 000 inhabitants
dolnoszlazskiedolnośląskie 2 755 957 2 273 653 1 940 5 26 169 4 26 139 78 83 8
kujawsko-pomorskiekujawsko-pomorskie 1 978 984 1 610 340 1 651 6 19 144 4 9 131 92 47 5
lubelskielubelskie 2 099 846 1 717 638 1 892 5 20 213 4 9 200 165 43 5
lubuskielubuskie 974 567 791 991 719 5 12 82 2 8 72 39 40 3
lzozdzkiełódzkie 2 390 845 1 976 999 1 732 5 21 177 3 14 160 133 33 11
malzopolskiemałopolskie 3 305 730 2 656 449 2 408 6 19 182 3 30 149 120 58 4
mazowieckiemazowieckie 5 199 604 4 186 479 3 468 7 37 314 5 13 278 227 77 10
opolskieopolskie 950 463 792 456 880 5 11 71 1 10 60 35 34 2
podkarpackiepodkarpackie 2 116 059 1 714 950 1 805 5 21 160 4 18 138 109 45 6
podlaskiepodlaskie 1 153 371 941 772 959 4 14 118 3 7 108 78 37 3
pomorskiepomorskie 2 208 934 1 759 938 1 392 5 16 123 4 18 101 81 35 7
szlazskieśląskie 4 310 345 3 548 892 2 745 7 17 167 19 22 126 96 47 24
szwieztokrzyskieświętokrzyskie 1 232 926 1 020 502 982 4 13 102 1 9 92 65 33 4
warminzsko-mazurskiewarmińsko-mazurskie 1 387 270 1 126 306 1 111 5 19 116 2 13 101 66 47 3
wielkopolskiewielkopolskie 3 369 873 2 710 628 2 179 6 31 226 4 30 192 113 106 7
zachodniopomorskiezachodniopomorskie 1 604 980 1 316 823 1 120 5 18 113 3 12 98 47 61 5
Summary 37 039 754 30 145 816 26 983 85 314 2 477 66 248 2 145 1 544 826 107
  • Candidates list statistics
  • Geography statistics

Geography statistics

Details Elections to councils Number of Elections for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a town
councils councillors constituencies Inhabitants Voters Polling districts number of heads of communes number of mayors numebr of presidents of towns
Poland - total 2 825 46 747 34 920 37 039 754 30 145 816 26 983 1 544 826 107
województwa 16 552 85 37 039 754 30 145 816 26 983
powiaty 314 6 244 1 329 25 357 675 20 483 102 20 413
communes total 2 411 37 815 33 128 25 357 675 20 483 102 20 413 1 544 826 107
   communes over 20 000 inhabitants 266 5 640 953 8 551 546 6 960 699 5 596 27 198 106
   communes under 20 000 inhabitants 2 145 32 175 32 175 16 806 129 13 522 403 14 817 1 517 628 0
Towns having the rights of a county 66 1 711 301 10 029 354 8 319 012 5 788 65
Districts of the Capital City of Warsaw 18 425 77 1 652 725 1 343 702 782

Candidates list statistics

Registered lists

Details Number of
lists councils
Lists registered for the assemblies of voivodships 937 16
Lists registered for the councils of counties 6 413 314
Lists registered for city councils having the rights of a county 1 984 66
Lists registered for district councils of the Capital City of Warsaw 466 18
Lists registered for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants 4 386 266
Total 14 186 680

Registered lists

Details Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
Number of candidates registered for the assemblies of voivodships 7 054 3 233 46% 3 821 54%
Number of candidates registered for the councils of counties 41 148 18 952 46% 22 196 54%
Number of candidates registered for city councils having the rights of a county 14 407 6 612 46% 7 795 54%
Number of candidates registered for districts councils of the Capital City of Warsaw 3 261 1 560 48% 1 701 52%
Number of candidates registered for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants 32 396 14 882 46% 17 514 54%
Number of candidates registered for the councils of commune under 20 000 inhabitants 86 479 30 481 35% 55 998 65%
Number of registered candidates for the head of the commune 3 885 724 19% 3 161 81%
Number of registered candidates for the mayor 2 531 458 18% 2 073 82%
Number of registered candidates for the president of a town 542 94 17% 448 83%
Total 184 745 75 720 41% 109 025 59%

Average age of registered candidates

Details Average age Average age of women Average age of men
Average age of candidates for the assemblies of voivodships 47 46 48
Average age of candidates for the councils of counties 50 49 51
Average age of candidates for the city councils having the rights of a county 47 48 47
Average age of candidates for the city councils having the rights of a county 47 48 45
Average age of candidates submitted for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants 48 47 49
Average age of candidates submitted for the councils of commune under 20 000 inhabitants 48 47 49
Average age of candidates for the head of the commune 50 49 50
Average age of candidates for the mayor 50 49 50
Average age of candidates for the president of a town 49 49 49
Total 47 46 48

Registered candidates for councils grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 14 869 5 749 39% 9 120 61%
30-39 38 107 16 861 44% 21 246 56%
40-59 90 183 38 564 43% 51 619 57%
60+ 41 586 14 546 35% 27 040 65%
Total 184 745 75 720 41% 109 025 59%

Registered candidates for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a twon grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 125 6 5% 119 95%
30-39 1 134 186 16% 948 84%
40-59 4 462 924 21% 3 538 79%
60+ 1 237 160 13% 1 077 87%
Total 6 958 1 276 18% 5 682 82%