Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Polling district No. 17

Location of the district electoral commission Dom Pomocy Społecznej, Dąbrowskiego 15B Iława
Polling district type dom pomocy społecznej
Location accessible to disabled persons No
Boundaries Dąbrowskiego 15B
Number of inhabitants 58
Number of voters 49
Elections Constituency no.
Rady Miejskiej w Iławie 2
Rady Powiatu Iławskiego 1
Sejmiku Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego 2


  • Elections Rady Miejskiej w Iławie) - Constituency no. 2
  • Elections Sejmiku Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego) - Constituency no. 2
  • Elections Rady Powiatu Iławskiego) - Constituency no. 1
  • Elections Burmistrza Miasta Iławy
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Miejskiej w Iławie) - Constituency no. 2
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 49
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 49
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 44
3 The number of unused ballot papers 16
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 28
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 28
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 28
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 28
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 1
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 0
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 1
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 27
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 maczkowski wlzadyslzawMAĆKOWSKI Władysław 60 Iława 1 0.0037
2 listkowska halina aleksandraLISTKOWSKA Halina Aleksandra 77 Iława 0 0
3 gozrski jerzyGÓRSKI Jerzy 69 Iława 0 0
4 maczkowiak wlzadyslzawaMAĆKOWIAK Władysława 74 Iława 0 0
5 moczadlzo henrykMOCZADŁO Henryk 69 Iława 0 0
6 czarniecka gabriela jadwigaCZARNIECKA Gabriela Jadwiga 76 Iława 0 0
7 kalinowski krzysztof eugeniuszKALINOWSKI Krzysztof Eugeniusz 51 Iława 0 0
Total 1
Number of valid votes for the list 1


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 rykaczewski andrzej jaroslzawRYKACZEWSKI Andrzej Jarosław 55 Iława 0 0
2 burdynzski wieslzaw stanislzawBURDYŃSKI Wiesław Stanisław 64 Iława 0 0
3 hatalza stefanHATAŁA Stefan 54 Iława 0 0
4 blank czeslzawaBLANK Czesława 80 Iława 0 0
5 ostrowski wojciech marekOSTROWSKI Wojciech Marek 59 Iława 0 0
6 plzuciennik aleksandraPŁUCIENNIK Aleksandra 29 Iława 0 0
7 zielinzska joannaZIELIŃSKA Joanna 44 Iława 0 0
8 rzeszotek krystyna zenonaRZESZOTEK Krystyna Zenona 46 Iława 0 0
9 cemka marian stefanCEMKA Marian Stefan 60 Iława 0 0
Total 0
Number of valid votes for the list 0


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 zzzylinzski adam jacekŻYLIŃSKI Adam Jacek 60 Iława 0 0
2 zakrzewska anna krystynaZAKRZEWSKA Anna Krystyna 69 Iława 0 0
3 zaborowski janusz franciszekZABOROWSKI Janusz Franciszek 59 Iława 0 0
4 dzik katarzyna helenaDZIK Katarzyna Helena 47 Iława 1 0.0037
5 miecznikowski zbigniew marianMIECZNIKOWSKI Zbigniew Marian 56 Iława 0 0
6 jankowska justynaJANKOWSKA Justyna 46 Iława 0 0
7 rudnicki zbigniewRUDNICKI Zbigniew 55 Iława 0 0
8 galarda beata magdalenaGALARDA Beata Magdalena 64 Iława 0 0
9 milewski stanislzaw eugeniuszMILEWSKI Stanisław Eugeniusz 71 Iława 0 0
Total 1
Number of valid votes for the list 1


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kopaczewski dawidKOPACZEWSKI Dawid 35 Iława 2 0.00741
2 dazgowska jolantaDĄGOWSKA Jolanta 53 Iława 0 0
3 kaminzski michalzKAMIŃSKI Michał 36 Iława 0 0
4 kunka andrzej marianKUNKA Andrzej Marian 38 Iława 0 0
5 guba lzukaszGUBA Łukasz 18 Iława 0 0
6 stawska lilianna barbaraSTAWSKA Lilianna Barbara 60 Iława 0 0
7 sonnenfeld iwona krystynaSONNENFELD Iwona Krystyna 48 Iława 0 0
8 kacperska ewa elzzzbietaKACPERSKA Ewa Elżbieta 34 Iława 12 0.04444
Total 14
Number of valid votes for the list 14


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 jackowska ewa urszulaJACKOWSKA Ewa Urszula 40 Iława 0 0
2 kabat ryszardKABAT Ryszard 62 Iława 0 0
3 drapiewski gerhard tadeuszDRAPIEWSKI Gerhard Tadeusz 61 Iława 0 0
4 leszniewska-urban hanna mariaLEŚNIEWSKA-URBAN Hanna Maria 54 Iława 2 0.00741
5 golzezbiowski mariusz bogdanGOŁĘBIOWSKI Mariusz Bogdan 42 Iława 0 0
6 jozzefowicz beataJÓZEFOWICZ Beata 43 Iława 0 0
7 stezpienz miroslzaw stanislzawSTĘPIEŃ Mirosław Stanisław 56 Iława 0 0
8 wasiewska edytaWASIEWSKA Edyta 47 Iława 9 0.03333
9 paczkowski dariusz adamPACZKOWSKI Dariusz Adam 54 Iława 0 0
Total 11
Number of valid votes for the list 11
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Sejmiku Województwa Warmińsko-Mazurskiego) - Constituency no. 2
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 49
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 48
3 The number of unused ballot papers 20
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 28
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 28
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 28
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 1
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 0
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 1
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 27
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 brzezin gustaw marekBRZEZIN Gustaw Marek 60 Ostróda 1 0.0037
2 ziejewski zbigniewZIEJEWSKI Zbigniew 59 Szwarcenowo 0 0
3 zzzelichowski stanislzawŻELICHOWSKI Stanisław 74 Iłowo-Osada 0 0
4 marchalewska monika barbaraMARCHALEWSKA Monika Barbara 45 Kruszewnia 0 0
5 dzieniszewski andrzejDZIENISZEWSKI Andrzej 54 Iława 0 0
6 charytczak agnieszkaCHARYTCZAK Agnieszka 44 Nipkowie 0 0
7 wiszniewski andrzej januszWIŚNIEWSKI Andrzej Janusz 58 Lidzbark 0 0
8 szulc jolanta elzzzbietaSZULC Jolanta Elżbieta 56 Nowe Miasto Lubawskie 0 0
Total 1
Number of valid votes for the list 1


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 hordejuk bernadeta justynaHORDEJUK Bernadeta Justyna 53 Iława 1 0.0037
2 gorczyca stanislzaw andrzejGORCZYCA Stanisław Andrzej 60 Szafranki 0 0
3 krozlak katarzynaKRÓLAK Katarzyna 47 Morąg 1 0.0037
4 dembek ewa barbaraDEMBEK Ewa Barbara 58 Lipinki 0 0
5 garbacz jakub marcinGARBACZ Jakub Marcin 37 Działdowo 1 0.0037
6 raszkowski marcinRASZKOWSKI Marcin 37 Lubawa 0 0
7 czuchan jerzy miroslzawCZUCHAN Jerzy Mirosław 59 Rybno 0 0
8 zawodnik malzgorzata agnieszkaZAWODNIK Małgorzata Agnieszka 43 Lidzbark 0 0
Total 3
Number of valid votes for the list 3


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 antochowski jan jozzefANTOCHOWSKI Jan Józef 65 Wałdowo 0 0
2 zabielzlzo justynaZABIEŁŁO Justyna 35 Miłakowo 0 0
3 kordecki tomaszKORDECKI Tomasz 43 Działdowo 0 0
4 szreder leszek edwardSZREDER Leszek Edward 32 Morąg 0 0
5 karlsson elzzzbietaKARLSSON Elżbieta 74 Działdowo 0 0
6 kisicki patrykKISICKI Patryk 22 Lubawa 0 0
7 kniazz ewa danutaKNIAŹ Ewa Danuta 60 Iława 0 0
8 malzecki kazimierzMAŁECKI Kazimierz 68 Iława 0 0
Total 0
Number of valid votes for the list 0

List No. 6 - KW RAZEM

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 bartkowska emiliaBARTKOWSKA Emilia 26 Olsztyn 0 0
2 kuligowski bogdan pawelzKULIGOWSKI Bogdan Paweł 62 Iława 0 0
3 gulczynzska katarzyna krystynaGULCZYŃSKA Katarzyna Krystyna 61 Olsztyn 0 0
4 wach januszWACH Janusz 62 Olsztyn 2 0.00741
5 drazzzzewska monikaDRĄŻEWSKA Monika 31 Olsztyn 0 0
6 bobrowicz grzegorz arturBOBROWICZ Grzegorz Artur 43 Olsztyn 0 0
Total 2
Number of valid votes for the list 2


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 tulwinzski lzukaszTULWIŃSKI Łukasz 30 Iława 0 0
2 lzozzzynzski krystian maciejŁOŻYŃSKI Krystian Maciej 37 Mortęgi 1 0.0037
3 sezkowska magdalenaSĘKOWSKA Magdalena 32 Iława 0 0
4 zenowicz marikaZENOWICZ Marika 24 Lubawa 0 0
5 wiszniewska izabela lidiaWIŚNIEWSKA Izabela Lidia 19 Iława 0 0
6 maciejewski przemyslzawMACIEJEWSKI Przemysław 22 Iława 0 0
7 zielinzski dariuszZIELIŃSKI Dariusz 38 Fijewo 0 0
Total 1
Number of valid votes for the list 1

List No. 8 - KWW KUKIZ'15

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 jaskozlzowski pawelzJASKÓŁOWSKI Paweł 32 Miłomłyn 1 0.0037
2 horbacz kamilaHORBACZ Kamila 37 Gulbity 2 0.00741
3 konicz marcinKONICZ Marcin 28 Jeglia 0 0
4 dzika katarzynaDZIKA Katarzyna 29 Liwa 0 0
5 kolzakowski przemyslzawKOŁAKOWSKI Przemysław 42 Ostróda 0 0
6 jaskozlzowska joanna mariaJASKÓŁOWSKA Joanna Maria 31 Miłomłyn 1 0.0037
Total 4
Number of valid votes for the list 4


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kierozalski grzegorzKIEROZALSKI Grzegorz 57 Ostróda 7 0.02593
2 palinzska magdalena elzzzbietaPALIŃSKA Magdalena Elżbieta 43 Łukta 0 0
3 gontarz robertGONTARZ Robert 25 Tuczki 4 0.01481
4 godzinzski damian janGODZIŃSKI Damian Jan 39 Nowe Miasto Lubawskie 2 0.00741
5 hatalza bohdanHATAŁA Bohdan 57 Iława 1 0.0037
6 bartkowski lzukaszBARTKOWSKI Łukasz 37 Nawra 1 0.0037
7 rudnicka aleksandra helenaRUDNICKA Aleksandra Helena 27 Nowe Miasto Lubawskie 1 0.0037
8 rochnowska renata mariaROCHNOWSKA Renata Maria 69 Wawrowice 0 0
Total 16
Number of valid votes for the list 16
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Powiatu Iławskiego) - Constituency no. 1
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 49
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 58
3 The number of unused ballot papers 30
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 28
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 29
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 1
10 The number of valid ballot papers 28
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 0
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 0
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 0
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 28
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 wilczynzski krzysztof lzucjanWILCZYŃSKI Krzysztof Łucjan 60 Iława 1 0.00357
2 kabat katarzyna annaKABAT Katarzyna Anna 33 Iława 0 0
3 filaber waldemarFILABER Waldemar 52 Iława 0 0
4 kotowska agnieszkaKOTOWSKA Agnieszka 36 Iława 0 0
5 karczewski dawid lechKARCZEWSKI Dawid Lech 38 Iława 1 0.00357
6 donarska krystyna teresaDONARSKA Krystyna Teresa 55 Iława 0 0
7 kozlzowski karolKOZŁOWSKI Karol 33 Iława 0 0
8 lamparska sabinaLAMPARSKA Sabina 55 Iława 0 0
9 potocki arturPOTOCKI Artur 40 Iława 0 0
Total 2
Number of valid votes for the list 2


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 rygielski maciej marianRYGIELSKI Maciej Marian 59 Iława 1 0.00357
2 gajewska anna beataGAJEWSKA Anna Beata 36 Nowa Wieś 0 0
3 jasik edwardJASIK Edward 59 Iława 0 0
4 rynkowska jolanta dorotaRYNKOWSKA Jolanta Dorota 51 Iława 0 0
5 kopanzski henryk adamKOPAŃSKI Henryk Adam 65 Iława 0 0
6 karasiewicz elzzzbieta cecyliaKARASIEWICZ Elżbieta Cecylia 53 Iława 0 0
7 wasiewska malzgorzata elzzzbietaWASIEWSKA Małgorzata Elżbieta 39 Iława 2 0.00714
8 lessman marek andrzejLESSMAN Marek Andrzej 41 Iława 0 0
9 buk andrzej stanislzawBUK Andrzej Stanisław 57 Radomek 0 0
Total 3
Number of valid votes for the list 3


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 wozzniak marcin jerzyWOŹNIAK Marcin Jerzy 42 Iława 1 0.00357
2 klzodnicka grazzzynaKŁODNICKA Grażyna 44 Prasneta 0 0
3 szczypski stanislzaw zbigniewSZCZYPSKI Stanisław Zbigniew 69 Iława 0 0
4 kwaszniewski antoniKWAŚNIEWSKI Antoni 81 Iława 0 0
5 kazdziela kamilaKĄDZIELA Kamila 36 Iława 0 0
6 szczypinzski zbigniewSZCZYPIŃSKI Zbigniew 62 Iława 0 0
7 pawlzowska dorotaPAWŁOWSKA Dorota 47 Iława 0 0
8 jakubowska klaudia agnieszkaJAKUBOWSKA Klaudia Agnieszka 25 Targowisko Dolne 0 0
9 michalczyk arturMICHALCZYK Artur 39 Iława 0 0
Total 1
Number of valid votes for the list 1


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 jackowski piotr jacekJACKOWSKI Piotr Jacek 57 Iława 1 0.00357
2 laskowska grazzzyna annaLASKOWSKA Grażyna Anna 55 Iława 1 0.00357
3 witkowski henrykWITKOWSKI Henryk 64 Iława 16 0.05714
4 nitkowska rozzzzaNITKOWSKA Róża 52 Iława 0 0
5 kazzmierski krzysztofKAŹMIERSKI Krzysztof 50 Iława 0 0
6 olszewski jaroslzaw stanislzawOLSZEWSKI Jarosław Stanisław 57 Iława 0 0
7 danylzec danuta mariaDANYŁEC Danuta Maria 64 Iława 1 0.00357
8 rykaczewska olgaRYKACZEWSKA Olga 51 Iława 0 0
9 plzuciennik jerzyPŁUCIENNIK Jerzy 57 Iława 0 0
Total 19
Number of valid votes for the list 19


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 junkier ewaJUNKIER Ewa 54 Wikielec 0 0
2 dembek eugeniusz janDEMBEK Eugeniusz Jan 63 Iława 0 0
3 dobrzeniecki wojciechDOBRZENIECKI Wojciech 65 Iława 0 0
4 lepianka maria jolantaLEPIANKA Maria Jolanta 56 Iława 0 0
5 ambroziak piotr robertAMBROZIAK Piotr Robert 45 Iława 0 0
6 kuczmarska elzzzbietaKUCZMARSKA Elżbieta 56 Iława 0 0
7 rzezinzski kajetanRZEZIŃSKI Kajetan 55 Iława 0 0
8 niksa beataNIKSA Beata 44 Iława 0 0
9 maszkiewicz jaroslzaw jozzefMAŚKIEWICZ Jarosław Józef 69 Iława 1 0.00357
Total 1
Number of valid votes for the list 1


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 polanzski marek jozzefPOLAŃSKI Marek Józef 63 Iława 1 0.00357
2 plzoska iwona mariaPŁOSKA Iwona Maria 46 Iława 1 0.00357
3 lewandowski tomasz krzysztofLEWANDOWSKI Tomasz Krzysztof 39 Iława 0 0
4 zablzotna wiolettaZABŁOTNA Wioletta 40 Iława 0 0
5 pierunek przemyslzaw hubertPIERUNEK Przemysław Hubert 45 Smolniki 0 0
6 gozrska sabina krystynaGÓRSKA Sabina Krystyna 48 Iława 0 0
7 marciniak maciej witoldMARCINIAK Maciej Witold 55 Iława 0 0
8 jakubowska-pilimon mariola grazzzynaJAKUBOWSKA-PILIMON Mariola Grażyna 54 Iława 0 0
9 kastrau stanislzawKASTRAU Stanisław 63 Iława 0 0
Total 2
Number of valid votes for the list 2
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Burmistrza Miasta Iławy
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 49
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 49
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 44
3 The number of unused ballot papers 16
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 28
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 28
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 28
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 28
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 3
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 2
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 1
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 25
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kopaczewski dawidKOPACZEWSKI Dawid 35 wyższe Iława 1 0.004
2 mikolzajczyk maciej tomaszMIKOŁAJCZYK Maciej Tomasz 27 wyższe Olsztyn 2 0.008
3 zzzuchowski piotrŻUCHOWSKI Piotr 54 wyższe Szałkowo 12 0.048
4 zzzylinzski adam jacekŻYLIŃSKI Adam Jacek 60 wyższe humanistyczne Iława 10 0.04