Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Polling district No. 3

Location of the district electoral commission Zespół Szkół Nr 2 w Jeleśni, ul. Żywiecka 17 Jeleśnia
Polling district type stały
Location accessible to disabled persons Yes
Boundaries Sołectwo Jeleśnia-ulice: Brzozowa, Bukowa, Buławów, Dworcowa, Energetyczna, Grabowa, Jana Kazimierza (strona lewa), od nr 1 do nr 121, (strona prawa) od nr 2 do nr 102, Janiki, Janikowa Grapa, Jaśminowa, Jesionowa, Kasztanowa, Kiełbasów, Klonowa, Leśna, Limbowa, Lipowa, Łobozowa, Malinowa, Olszynowa, Pod Grapą, Podgórna, Pomnikowa, Poprzeczna, Porzeczkowa, Pyrgiesów, Rzeczna, Rówienki, Słoneczna, Sosnowa, Starowiejska, Suska, Szkolna, Sosnowa, Świerkowa, U Świętych, Wodna, Wróblowa, Żywiecka.
Number of inhabitants 1931
Number of voters 1593
Elections Constituency no.
Rady Gminy Jeleśnia 4, 5
Rady Powiatu w Żywcu 4
Sejmiku Województwa Śląskiego 1


  • Elections Rady Gminy Jeleśnia) - Constituency no. 5
  • Elections Wójta Gminy Jeleśnia
  • Elections Rady Gminy Jeleśnia) - Constituency no. 4
  • Elections Rady Powiatu w Żywcu) - Constituency no. 4
  • Elections Sejmiku Województwa Śląskiego) - Constituency no. 1
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Gminy Jeleśnia) - Constituency no. 5
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 796
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 796
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 721
3 The number of unused ballot papers 208
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 513
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 513
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 6
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 513
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 513
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 8
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 1
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 7
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 505
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
10 krzyzzzowski janKRZYŻOWSKI Jan 65 Jeleśnia 181 0.03584
21 moc andrzej adamMOC Andrzej Adam 45 Jeleśnia 99 0.0196
22 kubica janKUBICA Jan 59 Jeleśnia 23 0.00455
23 gazsiorek dariuszGĄSIOREK Dariusz 51 Jeleśnia 202 0.04
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Wójta Gminy Jeleśnia
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 1589
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 1589
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 1440
3 The number of unused ballot papers 459
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 981
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 981
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 8
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 981
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 981
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 15
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 5
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 10
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 966
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 jafernik bronislzawJAFERNIK Bronisław 68 wyższe Sopotnia Mała 29 0.003
2 pindel mateusz jozzefPINDEL Mateusz Józef 29 wyższe Jeleśnia 299 0.03095
3 wasilewska annaWASILEWSKA Anna 51 wyższe Krzyżowa 429 0.04441
4 wrozbel bartoszWRÓBEL Bartosz 39 średnie Sopotnia Mała 209 0.02164
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Gminy Jeleśnia) - Constituency no. 4
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 793
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 793
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 717
3 The number of unused ballot papers 247
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 470
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 470
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 2
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 470
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 470
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 11
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 2
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 9
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 459
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
10 szumlas wieslzaw januszSZUMLAS Wiesław Janusz 54 Jeleśnia 157 0.0342
21 hulbozj lzukasz grzegorzHULBÓJ Łukasz Grzegorz 36 Jeleśnia 209 0.04553
22 tomaszek jozzef stefanTOMASZEK Józef Stefan 69 Jeleśnia 7 0.00153
23 slzowiaczek-waligozra justyna annaSŁOWIACZEK-WALIGÓRA Justyna Anna 44 Jeleśnia 86 0.01874
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Powiatu w Żywcu) - Constituency no. 4
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 1589
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 1596
3 The number of unused ballot papers 615
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 981
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 8
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 981
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 981
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 42
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 22
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 20
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 939
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 wrzeszcz zdzislzaw jerzyWRZESZCZ Zdzisław Jerzy 54 Jeleśnia 56 0.00596
2 smagonz wieslzaw andrzejSMAGOŃ Wiesław Andrzej 51 Jeleśnia 24 0.00256
3 golzek - kasprzak beata magdalenaGOŁEK - KASPRZAK Beata Magdalena 37 Jeleśnia 31 0.0033
4 prosianowski robert marianPROSIANOWSKI Robert Marian 42 Jeleśnia 39 0.00415
5 widuch angelina ewelinaWIDUCH Angelina Ewelina 26 Mutne 2 0.00021
Total 152
Number of valid votes for the list 152


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 mrowiec jozzefMROWIEC Józef 59 Koszarawa 9 0.00096
2 pindel wlzadyslzawPINDEL Władysław 64 Jeleśnia 10 0.00106
3 janoszek grzegorzJANOSZEK Grzegorz 40 Koszarawa 5 0.00053
4 ponikwia ewa krystynaPONIKWIA Ewa Krystyna 33 Jeleśnia 3 0.00032
5 barabasz danuta barbaraBARABASZ Danuta Barbara 47 Jeleśnia 11 0.00117
Total 38
Number of valid votes for the list 38


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 pal tadeusz stanislzawPAL Tadeusz Stanisław 59 Sopotnia Mała 110 0.01171
2 harezzzza halinaHARĘŻA Halina 68 Jeleśnia 110 0.01171
3 kubica halinaKUBICA Halina 42 Przyborów 106 0.01129
4 hulbozj danuta mariaHULBÓJ Danuta Maria 60 Koszarawa 16 0.0017
5 habdas zenon janHABDAS Zenon Jan 59 Krzyżowa 10 0.00106
Total 352
Number of valid votes for the list 352


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 ducin ryszardDUCIN Ryszard 58 Sopotnia Mała 55 0.00586
2 dybek franciszekDYBEK Franciszek 67 Jeleśnia 85 0.00905
3 wrozbel janusz wojciechWRÓBEL Janusz Wojciech 47 Jeleśnia 112 0.01193
4 majdak malzgorzataMAJDAK Małgorzata 50 Pewel Wielka 7 0.00075
5 lzukanzko olgaŁUKAŃKO Olga 53 Jeleśnia 30 0.00319
Total 289
Number of valid votes for the list 289


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 walusz anna elzzzbietaWALUŚ Anna Elżbieta 50 Krzyżowa 24 0.00256
2 malec marian kazimierzMALEC Marian Kazimierz 74 Jeleśnia 16 0.0017
3 urbaniec michalz lzukaszURBANIEC Michał Łukasz 39 Pewel Wielka 15 0.0016
4 dymanus - gaudyn aleksandra annaDYMANUS - GAUDYN Aleksandra Anna 31 Krzyżowa 0 0
5 zzzurek kamilaŻUREK Kamila 20 Pewel Wielka 2 0.00021
Total 57
Number of valid votes for the list 57


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 pindel malzgorzataPINDEL Małgorzata 52 Przyborów 6 0.00064
2 makuch marianMAKUCH Marian 55 Korbielów 28 0.00298
3 tomaszek kazimierzTOMASZEK Kazimierz 59 Koszarawa 0 0
4 branzka danutaBRAŃKA Danuta 54 Jeleśnia 13 0.00138
5 wozjcik andrzej wojciechWÓJCIK Andrzej Wojciech 63 Sopotnia Mała 4 0.00043
Total 51
Number of valid votes for the list 51
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Sejmiku Województwa Śląskiego) - Constituency no. 1
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 1589
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 1550
3 The number of unused ballot papers 571
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 979
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 8
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 979
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 979
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 111
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 18
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 93
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 868
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 sarapata kamil michalzSARAPATA Kamil Michał 31 Przybędza 7 0.00081
2 duraj wojciech jerzyDURAJ Wojciech Jerzy 45 Bielsko-Biała 3 0.00035
3 janik tomasz andrzejJANIK Tomasz Andrzej 51 Bielsko-Biała 11 0.00127
4 koczwara katarzyna mariaKOCZWARA Katarzyna Maria 34 Wisła 1 0.00012
5 kozik krzysztof franciszekKOZIK Krzysztof Franciszek 64 Bielsko-Biała 5 0.00058
6 wodyk patrycja agnieszkaWODYK Patrycja Agnieszka 40 Bielsko-Biała 2 0.00023
7 ostrowicka magdalena wiktoriaOSTROWICKA Magdalena Wiktoria 36 Bielsko-Biała 5 0.00058
8 balas karolina liliaBALAS Karolina Lilia 35 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
9 tomala wojciech mateuszTOMALA Wojciech Mateusz 45 Cieszyn 4 0.00046
Total 39
Number of valid votes for the list 39


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 szemla miroslzaw stanislzawSZEMLA Mirosław Stanisław 56 Rybarzowice 4 0.00046
2 kozzzusznik danuta mariaKOŻUSZNIK Danuta Maria 44 Cieszyn 1 0.00012
3 karpeta robert pawelzKARPETA Robert Paweł 41 Cisiec 7 0.00081
4 haczek stefan grzegorzHACZEK Stefan Grzegorz 60 Pisarzowice 4 0.00046
5 major przemyslzawMAJOR Przemysław 41 Chybie 4 0.00046
6 ogieglzo alicjaOGIEGŁO Alicja 57 Czechowice-Dziedzice 1 0.00012
7 domaszewicz augustynaDOMASZEWICZ Augustyna 72 Świnna 5 0.00058
8 klajmon malzgorzata annaKLAJMON Małgorzata Anna 66 Biery 0 0
9 grzyb andrzej bernardGRZYB Andrzej Bernard 57 Bielsko-Biała 4 0.00046
Total 30
Number of valid votes for the list 30


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 chrobak magdalena dominikaCHROBAK Magdalena Dominika 38 Dąbrowa Górnicza 16 0.00184
maciej jerzy fronzskiMaciej Jerzy FROŃSKI XXXXX 0
3 wieczorek miroslzawa halinaWIECZOREK Mirosława Halina 60 Mysłowice 1 0.00012
4 konieczny marek pawelzKONIECZNY Marek Paweł 30 Mysłowice 1 0.00012
5 bienias sandra dorotaBIENIAS Sandra Dorota 18 Dąbrowa Górnicza 3 0.00035
Total 21
Number of valid votes for the list 21


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 komor klaudiusz stanislzawKOMOR Klaudiusz Stanisław 45 Bielsko-Biała 76 0.00876
2 molin andrzej janMOLIN Andrzej Jan 63 Wisła 2 0.00023
3 maszlanka hubert zbigniewMAŚLANKA Hubert Zbigniew 40 Świnna 70 0.00806
4 dal zbigniewDAL Zbigniew 40 Bielsko-Biała 6 0.00069
5 cieszlar magdalena mariaCIEŚLAR Magdalena Maria 27 Brenna 10 0.00115
6 pijanowski jerzy marcinPIJANOWSKI Jerzy Marcin 44 Czechowice-Dziedzice 1 0.00012
7 krzyzzzak karolina jozzefaKRZYŻAK Karolina Józefa 38 Bujaków 3 0.00035
8 gozrnisiewicz magdalena ewaGÓRNISIEWICZ Magdalena Ewa 33 Buczkowice 1 0.00012
9 szlezzak agataŚLĘZAK Agata 53 Bytom 21 0.00242
Total 190
Number of valid votes for the list 190


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 koperski przemyslzaw adamKOPERSKI Przemysław Adam 43 Bielsko-Biała 8 0.00092
2 zonz adam janZOŃ Adam Jan 61 Żywiec 68 0.00783
3 banot aleksandra ewaBANOT Aleksandra Ewa 40 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
4 kopel mariaKOPEL Maria 63 Pruchna 3 0.00035
5 slzonka-gibas barbara jolantaSŁONKA-GIBAS Barbara Jolanta 36 Żywiec 0 0
6 szwarc janSZWARC Jan 72 Ustroń 2 0.00023
7 bury dorota cecyliaBURY Dorota Cecylia 57 Zwardoń 1 0.00012
8 gozrny aneta monikaGÓRNY Aneta Monika 25 Czechowice-Dziedzice 4 0.00046
9 tyrna leszekTYRNA Leszek 41 Goleszów 4 0.00046
Total 91
Number of valid votes for the list 91

List No. 6 - KW RAZEM

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 lamek-kochanowska agnieszka zofiaLAMEK-KOCHANOWSKA Agnieszka Zofia 50 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
2 hess jaroslzaw andrzejHESS Jarosław Andrzej 54 Bielsko-Biała 0 0
3 gasparska katarzyna olgaGASPARSKA Katarzyna Olga 28 Bielsko-Biała 5 0.00058
4 kania szymon michalzKANIA Szymon Michał 31 Bielsko-Biała 2 0.00023
5 madzia magdalenaMADZIA Magdalena 39 Bielsko-Biała 5 0.00058
6 miech pawelz piotrMIECH Paweł Piotr 33 Bielsko-Biała 2 0.00023
7 dziobek wioletta katarzynaDZIOBEK Wioletta Katarzyna 40 Kamesznica 2 0.00023
8 konieczny adam tomaszKONIECZNY Adam Tomasz 29 Międzyświeć 0 0
9 piekarska adriana kazimieraPIEKARSKA Adriana Kazimiera 31 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
Total 18
Number of valid votes for the list 18


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 grajny robert lzukaszGRAJNY Robert Łukasz 27 Czechowice-Dziedzice 5 0.00058
2 korczak janusz andrzejKORCZAK Janusz Andrzej 53 Żywiec 7 0.00081
3 zawisz anita saraZAWISZ Anita Sara 24 Jankowice 4 0.00046
4 blzasinzska beata ewaBŁASIŃSKA Beata Ewa 31 Bytom 2 0.00023
5 tobolski grzegorz antoniTOBOLSKI Grzegorz Antoni 44 Bielsko-Biała 0 0
Total 18
Number of valid votes for the list 18

List No. 8 - KWW KUKIZ'15

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 zajazc kamila stefaniaZAJĄC Kamila Stefania 27 Żywiec 24 0.00276
2 zimowska ewa mariaZIMOWSKA Ewa Maria 74 Bielsko-Biała 4 0.00046
3 lichy anna dorotaLICHY Anna Dorota 52 Bielsko-Biała 3 0.00035
4 popko artur krzysztofPOPKO Artur Krzysztof 44 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
5 galistl anna mariaGALISTL Anna Maria 30 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
6 kwiecienz robert zbigniewKWIECIEŃ Robert Zbigniew 48 Żywiec 3 0.00035
7 kozska michalz piotrKÓSKA Michał Piotr 31 Bestwina 3 0.00035
8 billewicz jan mikolzajBILLEWICZ Jan Mikołaj 64 Bielsko-Biała 0 0
9 lzacek janusz pawelzŁACEK Janusz Paweł 19 Istebna 2 0.00023
Total 41
Number of valid votes for the list 41


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 cieszlar slzawomir janCIEŚLAR Sławomir Jan 39 Pogórze 1 0.00012
2 krywult paulina annaKRYWULT Paulina Anna 27 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
3 szarek piotr janSZAREK Piotr Jan 52 Bielsko-Biała 0 0
4 bialzonzczyk barbara mariaBIAŁOŃCZYK Barbara Maria 57 Pogórze 0 0
5 bernasinzski grzegorzBERNASIŃSKI Grzegorz 20 Wilkowice 0 0
6 bierska magdalena mariaBIERSKA Magdalena Maria 23 Pogwizdów 2 0.00023
7 lach artur wojciechLACH Artur Wojciech 21 Koszarawa 17 0.00196
8 baranowska patrycja joannaBARANOWSKA Patrycja Joanna 30 Międzyświeć 0 0
9 malzysz pawelz adamMAŁYSZ Paweł Adam 21 Zaborze 8 0.00092
Total 29
Number of valid votes for the list 29


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kawulok janKAWULOK Jan 60 Cieszyn 65 0.00749
2 zzzak ewa teresaŻAK Ewa Teresa 62 Bielsko-Biała 47 0.00541
3 baczynzski stanislzaw bronislzawBACZYŃSKI Stanisław Bronisław 58 Łękawica 180 0.02074
4 tschuk tytus boleslzawTSCHUK Tytus Bolesław 31 Ustroń 3 0.00035
5 raszka-sodzawiczny katarzyna magdalenaRASZKA-SODZAWICZNY Katarzyna Magdalena 42 Ustroń 5 0.00058
6 mizera zygmunt antoniMIZERA Zygmunt Antoni 59 Czechowice-Dziedzice 8 0.00092
7 matlak marek zygmuntMATLAK Marek Zygmunt 52 Bielsko-Biała 9 0.00104
8 biegun agnieszka magdalenaBIEGUN Agnieszka Magdalena 36 Juszczyna 39 0.00449
9 zejma teresa mariaZEJMA Teresa Maria 61 Wilamowice 9 0.00104
Total 365
Number of valid votes for the list 365


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 gronkiewicz kazimierz jozzefGRONKIEWICZ Kazimierz Józef 66 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
2 snaczke wieslzawSNACZKE Wiesław 53 Węgierska Górka 0 0
3 francuz mariaFRANCUZ Maria 53 Bielsko-Biała 0 0
4 kondalza patrycja magdalenaKONDAŁA Patrycja Magdalena 34 Dąbrowa Górnicza 0 0
5 zimonzska halina ewaZIMOŃSKA Halina Ewa 74 Bielsko-Biała 0 0
6 sosnowski antoniSOSNOWSKI Antoni 72 Dąbrowa Górnicza 2 0.00023
Total 3
Number of valid votes for the list 3


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 nalezzniak krzysztof janNALEŹNIAK Krzysztof Jan 38 Mysłowice 0 0
2 adamczewska katarzyna alicjaADAMCZEWSKA Katarzyna Alicja 63 Gliwice 0 0
3 kaczmarek dorota lucynaKACZMAREK Dorota Lucyna 40 Katowice 1 0.00012
4 glzowacki krzysztof jakubGŁOWACKI Krzysztof Jakub 32 Katowice 0 0
5 kowol monika malzgorzataKOWOL Monika Małgorzata 40 Chudów 0 0
6 gembusz katarzyna barbaraGEMBUŚ Katarzyna Barbara 38 Zabrze 0 0
7 wodniok artur dariuszWODNIOK Artur Dariusz 34 Katowice 2 0.00023
8 stefankiewicz lzukasz adamSTEFANKIEWICZ Łukasz Adam 33 Katowice 1 0.00012
9 stankiewicz julia karolinaSTANKIEWICZ Julia Karolina 18 Bytom 0 0
Total 4
Number of valid votes for the list 4


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 moczek adam janMOCZEK Adam Jan 43 Tarnowskie Góry 1 0.00012
2 glzogowska agata ernestynaGŁOGOWSKA Agata Ernestyna 33 Tarnowskie Góry 1 0.00012
3 szliwa leon michalzŚLIWA Leon Michał 76 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
4 kielar mateusz janKIELAR Mateusz Jan 19 Tarnowskie Góry 1 0.00012
5 pudlik kornelia lucynaPUDLIK Kornelia Lucyna 39 Radzionków 0 0
6 bozzzek bernadeta stefaniaBOŻEK Bernadeta Stefania 32 Bytom 0 0
7 madejski piotr tymoteuszMADEJSKI Piotr Tymoteusz 20 Bytom 1 0.00012
8 jauernik iwona magdalenaJAUERNIK Iwona Magdalena 45 Tarnowskie Góry 0 0
Total 5
Number of valid votes for the list 5


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 juranek grzegorz zbigniewJURANEK Grzegorz Zbigniew 51 Zabrze 2 0.00023
2 faruga arkadiusz antoniFARUGA Arkadiusz Antoni 54 Świętochłowice 3 0.00035
3 wozjtowicz pawelz karolWÓJTOWICZ Paweł Karol 40 Zabrze 0 0
4 sobolewski krzysztof ludwikSOBOLEWSKI Krzysztof Ludwik 46 Gliwice 1 0.00012
5 krupa joanna grazzzynaKRUPA Joanna Grażyna 43 Zabrze 0 0
6 pochecz krystyna bozzzenaPOCHEĆ Krystyna Bożena 59 Zabrze 0 0
7 misiarz bozzzena malzgorzataMISIARZ Bożena Małgorzata 53 Tychy 0 0
8 matuszek krzysztof kazimierzMATUSZEK Krzysztof Kazimierz 50 Zabrze 1 0.00012
Total 7
Number of valid votes for the list 7

List No. 15 - KW ŚPR

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 hadyna aiszaHADYNA Aisza 69 Wisła 1 0.00012
2 tyrlik bartlzomiej januszTYRLIK Bartłomiej Janusz 36 Węgierska Górka 0 0
3 smaglzowski michalz janSMAGŁOWSKI Michał Jan 37 Kocierz Moszczanicki 1 0.00012
4 jablzonzski marcin tomaszJABŁOŃSKI Marcin Tomasz 46 Bielsko-Biała 1 0.00012
5 kufel dorota barbaraKUFEL Dorota Barbara 53 Buczkowice 1 0.00012
6 kantyka klaudia dominikaKANTYKA Klaudia Dominika 26 Ślemień 1 0.00012
7 pitas krzysztof marekPITAS Krzysztof Marek 51 Wisła 0 0
8 poniedzialzek iwona krystynaPONIEDZIAŁEK Iwona Krystyna 39 Bielsko-Biała 0 0
9 giertler lzukasz antoniGIERTLER Łukasz Antoni 22 Bielsko-Biała 2 0.00023
Total 7
Number of valid votes for the list 7