Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Polling district No. 1

Location of the district electoral commission Szkoła Podstawowa w Dubinach, ul. Główna 1b Dubiny
Polling district type stały
Location accessible to disabled persons Yes
Boundaries Sołectwo Dubiny-ul. Szkolna, ul. Główna (parz. od nr 2 do nr 164 i nieparz. od nr 1 do nr 153); ul. Torowa (nieparz. od nr 43 do końca i parz. od nr 18 do końca); ul. Łąkowa (parz. od nr 30 do końca i nieparz. od nr 9 do końca); ul. Leśna; ul. Krótka, ul. Cegielniana; sołectwo Postołowo w skład którego wchodzą miejscowości Postołowo, Sawiny Gród i Skryplewo
Number of inhabitants 639
Number of voters 517
Elections Constituency no.
Rady Gminy Hajnówka 1, 2
Rady Powiatu Hajnowskiego 2
Sejmiku Województwa Podlaskiego 4


  • Elections Sejmiku Województwa Podlaskiego) - Constituency no. 4
  • Elections Rady Gminy Hajnówka) - Constituency no. 1
  • Elections Rady Gminy Hajnówka) - Constituency no. 2
  • Elections Rady Powiatu Hajnowskiego) - Constituency no. 2
  • Elections Wójta Gminy Hajnówka
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Sejmiku Województwa Podlaskiego) - Constituency no. 4
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 517
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 465
3 The number of unused ballot papers 139
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 326
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 1
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 326
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 326
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 30
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 18
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 12
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 296
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 naumiuk piotrNAUMIUK Piotr 55 Kaniuki 0 0
2 kiryluk adamKIRYLUK Adam 36 Białystok 3 0.00101
3 dobkowska anetaDOBKOWSKA Aneta 43 Augustów 0 0
4 kaplzanow lzukaszKAPŁANOW Łukasz 28 Augustów 0 0
5 miszkiel bozzzena renataMISZKIEL Bożena Renata 47 Krasnopol 1 0.00034
Total 4
Number of valid votes for the list 4


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 leszczynzski jerzyLESZCZYŃSKI Jerzy 57 Ciechanowiec 4 0.00135
2 janowski mikolzajJANOWSKI Mikołaj 56 Przechody 136 0.04595
3 bil-jaruzelska malzgorzata annaBIL-JARUZELSKA Małgorzata Anna 56 Białystok 4 0.00135
4 bieganzska annaBIEGAŃSKA Anna 63 Wasilków 1 0.00034
5 krzyzzzanowska bozzzenaKRZYŻANOWSKA Bożena 52 Siemiatycze 0 0
6 karczewski marcinKARCZEWSKI Marcin 32 Bielsk Podlaski 0 0
7 roszkowski daniel karolROSZKOWSKI Daniel Karol 31 Łapy 0 0
8 turczewski mariuszTURCZEWSKI Mariusz 41 Dobrzyniówka 0 0
9 zaworska zofiaZAWORSKA Zofia 51 Tykocin 1 0.00034
10 konopko wieslzawKONOPKO Wiesław 56 Łapy 0 0
11 zawistowska agnieszkaZAWISTOWSKA Agnieszka 31 Brzóski Gromki 0 0
Total 146
Number of valid votes for the list 146


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 zzzywno maciej zenonŻYWNO Maciej Zenon 42 Białystok 5 0.00169
2 szcislzo hubert krzysztofŚCISŁO Hubert Krzysztof 34 Wasilków 1 0.00034
3 lzukaszuk igorŁUKASZUK Igor 39 Bielsk Podlaski 16 0.00541
4 roszkowska halinaROSZKOWSKA Halina 69 Wysokie Mazowieckie 0 0
5 sitarska agnieszka annaSITARSKA Agnieszka Anna 47 Siemiatycze 1 0.00034
6 kubiak jerzy jozzefKUBIAK Jerzy Józef 69 Grabówka 2 0.00068
7 dragun nadzieja marzenaDRAGUN Nadzieja Marzena 36 Hajnówka 4 0.00135
8 tarkawian agnieszka ewaTARKAWIAN Agnieszka Ewa 42 Czarna Białostocka 1 0.00034
9 sitkiewicz piotrSITKIEWICZ Piotr 37 Drohiczyn 0 0
10 malinowska beataMALINOWSKA Beata 55 Fasty 6 0.00203
11 kaminzski adamKAMIŃSKI Adam 40 Białystok 0 0
Total 36
Number of valid votes for the list 36


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 pietroczuk wlzodzimierzPIETROCZUK Włodzimierz 71 Hajnówka 21 0.00709
2 jakoniuk agnieszkaJAKONIUK Agnieszka 44 Hajnówka 11 0.00372
3 borowski eugeniuszBOROWSKI Eugeniusz 61 Widowo 0 0
4 korolczuk emiliaKOROLCZUK Emilia 29 Nowa Łuka 0 0
5 oziablzo piotr marekOZIABŁO Piotr Marek 27 Pieńki 0 0
6 bisz walentynaBISZ Walentyna 76 Siemiatycze 1 0.00034
7 warpechowski januszWARPECHOWSKI Janusz 67 Radunin 0 0
8 wawrzyniak jan antoniWAWRZYNIAK Jan Antoni 65 Nurzec Stacja 0 0
9 skibinzski dariuszSKIBIŃSKI Dariusz 57 Policzna 0 0
10 czarkowska boguslzawa jadwigaCZARKOWSKA Bogusława Jadwiga 40 Hajnówka 0 0
11 iwanzczuk michalzIWAŃCZUK Michał 75 Bielsk Podlaski 0 0
Total 33
Number of valid votes for the list 33

List No. 6 - KW RAZEM

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 prokopiuk sewerynPROKOPIUK Seweryn 33 Widowo 0 0
2 koczot dorotaKOCZOT Dorota 39 Białystok 0 0
3 iwaniuk michalzIWANIUK Michał 31 Białystok 0 0
4 artysiewicz michalina dariaARTYSIEWICZ Michalina Daria 20 Zaścianki 0 0
5 grzejszczyk michalz lzukaszGRZEJSZCZYK Michał Łukasz 40 Letniki 0 0
6 ciwoniuk anetaCIWONIUK Aneta 23 Białystok 0 0
Total 0
Number of valid votes for the list 0


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 bielawski wieslzaw henrykBIELAWSKI Wiesław Henryk 59 Jurowce 0 0
2 hampel arturHAMPEL Artur 49 Czerlonka Leśna 4 0.00135
3 gajdowska justynaGAJDOWSKA Justyna 25 Białystok 2 0.00068
4 rokicki mariuszROKICKI Mariusz 41 Białystok 0 0
5 kwasiborska magdalena marlenaKWASIBORSKA Magdalena Marlena 47 Białystok 0 0
Total 6
Number of valid votes for the list 6

List No. 8 - KWW KUKIZ'15

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 tolzwinzski krzysztofTOŁWIŃSKI Krzysztof 50 Jasienówka 8 0.0027
2 jankowska wandaJANKOWSKA Wanda 59 Choroszcz 1 0.00034
3 kemplinzski ryszard stanislzawKEMPLIŃSKI Ryszard Stanisław 63 Ciechanowiec 0 0
4 ojdana alinaOJDANA Alina 52 Nowoberezowo 11 0.00372
5 jakimiuk dawidJAKIMIUK Dawid 29 Bielsk Podlaski 0 0
6 wappa-buslzowska ewaWAPPA-BUSŁOWSKA Ewa 57 Białystok 0 0
7 krzykawski norbert grzegorzKRZYKAWSKI Norbert Grzegorz 47 Płonka-Strumianka 2 0.00068
8 mierzwinzska malzgorzataMIERZWIŃSKA Małgorzata 24 Filipy 3 0.00101
9 chanzko julita monikaCHAŃKO Julita Monika 49 Konowały 0 0
10 szarejko marcinSZAREJKO Marcin 34 Zabłudów 1 0.00034
Total 26
Number of valid votes for the list 26


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 skomarowski maciejSKOMAROWSKI Maciej 28 Łapy 0 0
2 koncewicz magdaKONCEWICZ Magda 33 Rybaki 0 0
3 kupinzski maciejKUPIŃSKI Maciej 22 Białystok 0 0
4 gryniewicz joannaGRYNIEWICZ Joanna 29 Szymki 0 0
5 zadykowicz danutaZADYKOWICZ Danuta 59 Białystok 0 0
Total 0
Number of valid votes for the list 0


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 derehajlzo stanislzawDEREHAJŁO Stanisław 46 Kolonia Boćki 5 0.00169
2 siekierko lzukaszSIEKIERKO Łukasz 30 Wysokie Mazowieckie 2 0.00068
3 lzukaszewicz sebastianŁUKASZEWICZ Sebastian 27 Kozińce 22 0.00743
4 kapica grzegorzKAPICA Grzegorz 39 Łapy 0 0
5 jaroszewicz-lzojewska miroslzawa annaJAROSZEWICZ-ŁOJEWSKA Mirosława Anna 52 Białystok 0 0
6 malinowski marekMALINOWSKI Marek 44 Niewodnica Kościelna 1 0.00034
7 kondraciuk krzysztofKONDRACIUK Krzysztof 59 Łapy 2 0.00068
8 szczudlzo aleksandraSZCZUDŁO Aleksandra 35 Ciechanowiec 1 0.00034
9 dawidziuk irenaDAWIDZIUK Irena 70 Hajnówka 2 0.00068
10 sidorczuk-uszynzska grazzzyna jadwigaSIDORCZUK-USZYŃSKA Grażyna Jadwiga 70 Siemiatycze 0 0
11 filipkowski zbigniew janFILIPKOWSKI Zbigniew Jan 66 Niemirów 0 0
Total 35
Number of valid votes for the list 35


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 komorowska barbaraKOMOROWSKA Barbara 37 Sierzputy-Marki 0 0
2 trzaska wojciechTRZASKA Wojciech 23 Wierzbowo 0 0
3 mierzejewska beataMIERZEJEWSKA Beata 41 Truszki 0 0
4 trzaska piotrTRZASKA Piotr 18 Wierzbowo 0 0
5 mocarski antoniMOCARSKI Antoni 74 Janczewo 0 0
Total 0
Number of valid votes for the list 0


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 nieciecki karol marekNIECIECKI Karol Marek 56 Hajnówka 2 0.00068
2 pietruczuk annaPIETRUCZUK Anna 63 Hajnówka 4 0.00135
3 smoktunowicz grzegorzSMOKTUNOWICZ Grzegorz 32 Bielsk Podlaski 2 0.00068
4 kownacki krzysztof janKOWNACKI Krzysztof Jan 54 Dołubowo 0 0
5 kurzyna grazzzynaKURZYNA Grażyna 42 Franki-Piaski 1 0.00034
6 banel mateuszBANEL Mateusz 28 Horodniany 0 0
7 godun barbaraGODUN Barbara 53 Dołubowo 1 0.00034
Total 10
Number of valid votes for the list 10
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Gminy Hajnówka) - Constituency no. 1
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 293
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 293
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 291
3 The number of unused ballot papers 106
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 185
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 185
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 1
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 185
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 185
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 3
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 0
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 3
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 182
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
15 owerczuk michalzOWERCZUK Michał 64 Postołowo 65 0.03571
16 sadowski marcinSADOWSKI Marcin 37 Postołowo 24 0.01319
17 zzzukowski jan januszŻUKOWSKI Jan Janusz 47 Dubiny 34 0.01868
18 maciak tomaszMACIAK Tomasz 36 Dubiny 59 0.03242
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Gminy Hajnówka) - Constituency no. 2
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 224
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 224
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 226
3 The number of unused ballot papers 84
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 142
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 142
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 1
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 141
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 141
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 3
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 1
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 2
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 138
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
5 skiepko anatolSKIEPKO Anatol 59 Dubiny 48 0.03478
15 sacharczuk grazzzynaSACHARCZUK Grażyna 56 Dubiny 44 0.03188
16 jarmoc ewaJARMOC Ewa 35 Dubiny 34 0.02464
17 nowak marekNOWAK Marek 66 Sawiny Gród 12 0.0087
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Powiatu Hajnowskiego) - Constituency no. 2
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 517
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 521
3 The number of unused ballot papers 195
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 326
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 1
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 326
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 326
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 29
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 24
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 5
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 297
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 leoniuk barbaraLEONIUK Barbara 52 Białowieża 2 0.00067
2 kojlzo sergiuszKOJŁO Sergiusz 73 Dubiny 34 0.01145
3 golonko wlzodzimierzGOLONKO Włodzimierz 49 Pasieczniki Duże 0 0
4 birylzko walentynaBIRYŁKO Walentyna 63 Nowoberezowo 0 0
5 filimoniuk piotrFILIMONIUK Piotr 43 Klejniki 1 0.00034
Total 37
Number of valid votes for the list 37


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 gutowski mateusz damianGUTOWSKI Mateusz Damian 33 Białowieża 3 0.00101
2 kondraciuk eugeniaKONDRACIUK Eugenia 59 Hajnówka 6 0.00202
3 bagrowski marekBAGROWSKI Marek 33 Hajnówka 28 0.00943
4 chroszcielewska mariaCHROŚCIELEWSKA Maria 63 Nowoberezowo 3 0.00101
5 osipiuk tamaraOSIPIUK Tamara 63 Hajnówka 0 0
Total 40
Number of valid votes for the list 40


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 agiejczyk mariuszAGIEJCZYK Mariusz 47 Grudki 9 0.00303
2 lzukasiewicz andrzejŁUKASIEWICZ Andrzej 53 Hajnówka 29 0.00976
3 sawicki robertSAWICKI Robert 53 Hajnówka 2 0.00067
4 osipiuk irenaOSIPIUK Irena 56 Progale 0 0
Total 40
Number of valid votes for the list 40


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 szpilko miroslzawaSZPILKO Mirosława 41 Kojły 6 0.00202
2 niczyporuk sergiuszNICZYPORUK Sergiusz 68 Budy 2 0.00067
3 dackiewicz andrzej piotrDACKIEWICZ Andrzej Piotr 30 Białowieża 0 0
4 chodakowska halinaCHODAKOWSKA Halina 58 Dubiny 56 0.01886
5 chanilzo lzukaszCHANIŁO Łukasz 33 Hajnówka 3 0.00101
Total 67
Number of valid votes for the list 67


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 sadowski stefanSADOWSKI Stefan 64 Postołowo 59 0.01987
2 adamczuk janADAMCZUK Jan 68 Czyże 9 0.00303
3 petruk krzysztof eugeniuszPETRUK Krzysztof Eugeniusz 57 Białowieża 2 0.00067
4 ginszt alinaGINSZT Alina 45 Hajnówka 42 0.01414
5 nikolzajuk halinaNIKOŁAJUK Halina 58 Hukowicze 1 0.00034
Total 113
Number of valid votes for the list 113
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Wójta Gminy Hajnówka
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 517
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 517
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 515
3 The number of unused ballot papers 187
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 328
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 328
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 1
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 328
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 328
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 9
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 3
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 6
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 319
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 grygoruk wiktorGRYGORUK Wiktor 54 Wyższe Dubicze Osoczne 64 0.02006
2 krasowska joannaKRASOWSKA Joanna 27 średnie Stare Berezowo 14 0.00439
3 smoktunowicz lucynaSMOKTUNOWICZ Lucyna 49 Wyższe Dubiny 241 0.07555