Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Polling district No. 10

Location of the district electoral commission Szkoła Podstawowa w Ściborzycach Wielkich, 105 Ściborzyce Wielkie
Polling district type stały
Location accessible to disabled persons No
Boundaries Sołectwo Ściborzyce Wielkie Sołectwo Rozumice.
Number of inhabitants 725
Number of voters 599
Elections Constituency no.
Rady Miejskiej w Kietrzu 15
Rady Powiatu w Głubczycach 2
Sejmiku Województwa Opolskiego 4


  • Elections Burmistrza Kietrza
  • Elections Rady Powiatu w Głubczycach) - Constituency no. 2
  • Elections Sejmiku Województwa Opolskiego) - Constituency no. 4
  • Elections Rady Miejskiej w Kietrzu) - Constituency no. 15
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Burmistrza Kietrza
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 599
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 599
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 544
3 The number of unused ballot papers 259
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 285
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 285
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 2
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 285
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 285
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 2
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 0
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 2
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 283
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kaminzski dariuszKAMIŃSKI Dariusz 37 Wyższe Kietrz 98 0.03463
2 lzobos krzysztof zygmuntŁOBOS Krzysztof Zygmunt 58 wyższe Kietrz 91 0.03216
3 przysiezzzzna - bator dorota iwonaPRZYSIĘŻNA - BATOR Dorota Iwona 47 Wyższe Kietrz 94 0.03322
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Powiatu w Głubczycach) - Constituency no. 2
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 599
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 545
3 The number of unused ballot papers 260
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 285
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 2
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 285
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 285
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 32
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 19
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 13
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 253
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 ognisty tomasz szczepanOGNISTY Tomasz Szczepan 34 Kietrz 66 0.02609
2 besz stefanBESZ Stefan 66 Kozłówki 11 0.00435
3 podkozwka marian stanislzawPODKÓWKA Marian Stanisław 54 Bliszczyce 0 0
4 korczynzski andrzej antoniKORCZYŃSKI Andrzej Antoni 50 Babice 3 0.00119
5 orjan barbara krystynaORJAN Barbara Krystyna 51 Kietrz 2 0.00079
6 szwieztanowski czeslzawŚWIĘTANOWSKI Czesław 60 Kozłówki 1 0.0004
7 zajazc leszek adamZAJĄC Leszek Adam 52 Kietrz 1 0.0004
8 zzzywina sabina barbaraŻYWINA Sabina Barbara 50 Lewice 0 0
9 lzapunzko mariola iwonaŁAPUŃKO Mariola Iwona 51 Wysoka 0 0
10 lenart malzgorzataLENART Małgorzata 51 Kietrz 4 0.00158
11 czechowicz arturCZECHOWICZ Artur 31 Baborów 1 0.0004
Total 89
Number of valid votes for the list 89


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kaszkozw dariusz adamKAŚKÓW Dariusz Adam 53 Głubczyce 2 0.00079
2 bunczek-mrozz anna zofiaBUNCZEK-MRÓZ Anna Zofia 39 Baborów 0 0
3 preisner stanislzawPREISNER Stanisław 67 Kietrz 2 0.00079
4 orman magdalena mariaORMAN Magdalena Maria 36 Wysoka 0 0
5 komplikowicz krzysztof karolKOMPLIKOWICZ Krzysztof Karol 33 Sucha Psina 1 0.0004
6 wanat cezary leonWANAT Cezary Leon 55 Tłustomosty 0 0
7 polman krzysztof stefanPOLMAN Krzysztof Stefan 19 Kietrz 0 0
8 broszko beata helenaBROSZKO Beata Helena 51 Nowa Cerekwia 0 0
9 bialzowicz marzena annaBIAŁOWICZ Marzena Anna 28 Sułków 1 0.0004
10 zajczek iwona bernadetaZAJCZEK Iwona Bernadeta 51 Dzielów 0 0
11 kalicinzski stanislzawKALICIŃSKI Stanisław 61 Kietrz 0 0
Total 6
Number of valid votes for the list 6


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 sapa irenaSAPA Irena 62 Baborów 0 0
2 brzeszczak jolanta miroslzawaBRZESZCZAK Jolanta Mirosława 57 Branice 0 0
3 bedryj mieczyslzawBEDRYJ Mieczysław 60 Nowa Cerekwia 10 0.00395
4 kopaniecki jacekKOPANIECKI Jacek 39 Nasiedle 0 0
5 rydzik anna elzzzbietaRYDZIK Anna Elżbieta 51 Czerwonków 0 0
6 tarnowska jadwigaTARNOWSKA Jadwiga 55 Kietrz 3 0.00119
7 kukuczka piotr pawelzKUKUCZKA Piotr Paweł 35 Wiechowice 0 0
8 stania marian tadeuszSTANIA Marian Tadeusz 60 Kietrz 2 0.00079
9 kostrzewa monika teresaKOSTRZEWA Monika Teresa 39 Tłustomosty 0 0
10 ciesielski dariusz marekCIESIELSKI Dariusz Marek 48 Kietrz 2 0.00079
11 pasikowski romanPASIKOWSKI Roman 56 Kietrz 0 0
Total 17
Number of valid votes for the list 17


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kozina jozzef janKOZINA Józef Jan 57 Dzierżysław 43 0.017
2 gorzko radoslzaw bartlzomiejGORZKO Radosław Bartłomiej 49 Kietrz 19 0.00751
3 manzkiewicz tadeusz franciszekMAŃKIEWICZ Tadeusz Franciszek 59 Branice 2 0.00079
4 balzuszynzska anna monikaBAŁUSZYŃSKA Anna Monika 37 Boguchwałów 0 0
5 pawlik bronislzawaPAWLIK Bronisława 64 Lubotyń 3 0.00119
6 marczak zbigniewMARCZAK Zbigniew 58 Branice 1 0.0004
7 bielski stanislzaw boguslzawBIELSKI Stanisław Bogusław 48 Babice 0 0
8 jasion jan jozzefJASION Jan Józef 59 Baborów 0 0
9 mrozz agataMRÓZ Agata 50 Bliszczyce 1 0.0004
10 lzopata norbert karolŁOPATA Norbert Karol 68 Szczyty 0 0
11 siorak aneta janinaSIORAK Aneta Janina 42 Kietrz 1 0.0004
Total 70
Number of valid votes for the list 70


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 krupa tadeuszKRUPA Tadeusz 56 Włodzienin 1 0.0004
2 woniakowska alina teresaWONIAKOWSKA Alina Teresa 54 Pilszcz 5 0.00198
3 malzek jozzefMAŁEK Józef 59 Branice 0 0
4 jachecz joanna mariaJACHEĆ Joanna Maria 55 Nowa Cerekwia 0 0
5 mruk zbigniewMRUK Zbigniew 36 Kietrz 9 0.00356
6 enenkiel piotr tomaszENENKIEL Piotr Tomasz 62 Dzbańce Osiedle 0 0
7 apostel malzgorzataAPOSTEL Małgorzata 59 Lewice 0 0
8 suliga marian kazimierzSULIGA Marian Kazimierz 70 Branice 0 0
9 kulpa mariaKULPA Maria 52 Wysoka 0 0
10 kawulok miroslzaw antoniKAWULOK Mirosław Antoni 45 Dzierżkowice 0 0
11 isanzski krystian rafalzISAŃSKI Krystian Rafał 44 Dzbańce Osiedle 0 0
Total 15
Number of valid votes for the list 15


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 pospiszyl benedykt augustynPOSPISZYL Benedykt Augustyn 58 Branice 0 0
2 gil czeslzawGIL Czesław 58 Kietrz 5 0.00198
3 polaczy bogumilza ewaPOLACZY Bogumiła Ewa 57 Sułków 0 0
4 czyszczonz edward waldemarCZYSZCZOŃ Edward Waldemar 48 Branice 0 0
5 jakubowski mieczyslzawJAKUBOWSKI Mieczysław 70 Wojnowice 0 0
6 dzierzzza elzzzbietaDZIERŻA Elżbieta 49 Raków 0 0
7 zdaniak halina annaZDANIAK Halina Anna 44 Dzbańce Osiedle 0 0
8 ciastonz wieslzaw zbigniewCIASTOŃ Wiesław Zbigniew 64 Rozumice 50 0.01976
9 nahaczewska lidia mariaNAHACZEWSKA Lidia Maria 56 Sucha Psina 0 0
10 dykacz natalia kamilaDYKACZ Natalia Kamila 30 Ludmierzyce 0 0
11 lach jacek czeslzawLACH Jacek Czesław 26 Dzierżysław 1 0.0004
Total 56
Number of valid votes for the list 56
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Sejmiku Województwa Opolskiego) - Constituency no. 4
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 599
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 542
3 The number of unused ballot papers 257
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 285
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 2
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 285
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 1
10 The number of valid ballot papers 284
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 40
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 13
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 27
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 244
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 pyziak kazimierzPYZIAK Kazimierz 71 Głubczyce 18 0.00738
2 glzowacki kazimierzGŁOWACKI Kazimierz 58 Nowa Cerekwia 7 0.00287
3 czyzzzewska-ziezba krystyna mariaCZYŻEWSKA-ZIĘBA Krystyna Maria 65 Prudnik 3 0.00123
4 gorecki marian franciszekGORECKI Marian Franciszek 69 Gwoździce 0 0
5 burak anna malzgorzataBURAK Anna Małgorzata 32 Lubrza 2 0.00082
6 bednarczyk marta mariaBEDNARCZYK Marta Maria 31 Głubczyce 0 0
7 iluk jozzefILUK Józef 65 Jabłonka 3 0.00123
Total 33
Number of valid votes for the list 33


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 ziozlzko zbigniew jozzefZIÓŁKO Zbigniew Józef 56 Głubczyce 18 0.00738
2 okrazglzy janina wlzadyslzawaOKRĄGŁY Janina Władysława 63 Prudnik 2 0.00082
3 feret ewelina justynaFERET Ewelina Justyna 30 Prudnik 0 0
4 fejdych krzysztof michalzFEJDYCH Krzysztof Michał 31 Niemysłowice 3 0.00123
5 polak alicja jozzefaPOLAK Alicja Józefa 54 Kozłówki 34 0.01393
6 wozjtowicz-bunczek wieslzawa izabelaWÓJTOWICZ-BUNCZEK Wiesława Izabela 72 Baborów 2 0.00082
7 malzek henryk pawelzMAŁEK Henryk Paweł 60 Łącznik 1 0.00041
Total 60
Number of valid votes for the list 60


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 galla boguslzaw tadeuszGALLA Bogusław Tadeusz 39 Siestrzechowice 0 0
2 kaminzski miroslzaw ryszardKAMIŃSKI Mirosław Ryszard 57 Narok 6 0.00246
3 sniegon romana kamilaSNIEGON Romana Kamila 42 Krapkowice 2 0.00082
4 chamala anna mariaCHAMALA Anna Maria 34 Luboszyce 0 0
5 krupa aleksandra zuzannaKRUPA Aleksandra Zuzanna 35 Nysa 5 0.00205
6 lisowski lzukasz janLISOWSKI Łukasz Jan 36 Otmuchów 0 0
7 podolski lzukaszPODOLSKI Łukasz 40 Nysa 3 0.00123
Total 16
Number of valid votes for the list 16

List No. 6 - KW RAZEM

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 drost andrzej oswaldDROST Andrzej Oswald 37 Prudnik 3 0.00123
2 mazur sandraMAZUR Sandra 29 Opole 3 0.00123
3 maryniak pawelz janMARYNIAK Paweł Jan 39 Opole 2 0.00082
4 juszczyk grazzzynaJUSZCZYK Grażyna 57 Krapkowice 0 0
5 mlzynzska ruta annaMŁYŃSKA Ruta Anna 61 Raszowa 1 0.00041
Total 9
Number of valid votes for the list 9


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 zzzolzek julia mariaŻOŁEK Julia Maria 22 Opole 0 0
2 wojnar genowefaWOJNAR Genowefa 74 Opole 0 0
3 stankiewicz antoniSTANKIEWICZ Antoni 73 Lubienia 2 0.00082
4 puk bartosz adamPUK Bartosz Adam 28 Kluczbork 0 0
5 kowara bartosz marekKOWARA Bartosz Marek 28 Opole 0 0
Total 2
Number of valid votes for the list 2

List No. 8 - KWW KUKIZ'15

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 szczegielniak janSZCZEGIELNIAK Jan 56 Głuchołazy 2 0.00082
2 simonides hubert jerzySIMONIDES Hubert Jerzy 29 Zielina 1 0.00041
3 karcz beata renataKARCZ Beata Renata 44 Moszczanka 2 0.00082
4 bedryj dorota lidiaBEDRYJ Dorota Lidia 41 Rudziczka 10 0.0041
5 miezczakowska aleksandra aldonaMIĘCZAKOWSKA Aleksandra Aldona 40 Łąka Prudnicka 0 0
6 podkanowicz katarzynaPODKANOWICZ Katarzyna 45 Osiny 0 0
7 slzobodzian mateusz marcinSŁOBODZIAN Mateusz Marcin 25 Szybowice 1 0.00041
Total 16
Number of valid votes for the list 16


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 jarecki tomaszJARECKI Tomasz 33 Prudnik 2 0.00082
2 bartnik jan stanislzawBARTNIK Jan Stanisław 24 Opole 0 0
3 mieszek aldona joannaMIESZEK Aldona Joanna 43 Prudnik 0 0
4 bargielz radoslzawBARGIEŁ Radosław 42 Prudnik 2 0.00082
5 kwiecinzska jolanta halinaKWIECIŃSKA Jolanta Halina 53 Prudnik 0 0
6 filcek agnieszka mariaFILCEK Agnieszka Maria 36 Zdzieszowice 0 0
7 stasiak jaroslzaw janSTASIAK Jarosław Jan 34 Zdzieszowice 0 0
Total 4
Number of valid votes for the list 4


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 semak piotr boguslzawSEMAK Piotr Bogusław 51 Zdzieszowice 27 0.01107
2 antoszczyszyn leszekANTOSZCZYSZYN Leszek 64 Głubczyce 24 0.00984
3 standera lucjusz adrianSTANDERA Lucjusz Adrian 58 Prudnik 4 0.00164
4 mrowiec andrzej michalzMROWIEC Andrzej Michał 63 Kępnica 4 0.00164
5 czerwinzska sylwia franciszkaCZERWIŃSKA Sylwia Franciszka 57 Biała 6 0.00246
6 mazur stanislzawaMAZUR Stanisława 68 Trzebina 12 0.00492
7 czochara joanna martaCZOCHARA Joanna Marta 26 Moszczanka 10 0.0041
Total 87
Number of valid votes for the list 87


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 szlepecki pawelz piotrŚLEPECKI Paweł Piotr 37 Głubczyce 2 0.00082
2 krawiec przemyslzaw sebastianKRAWIEC Przemysław Sebastian 35 Kietrz 7 0.00287
3 smoluch kamilSMOLUCH Kamil 29 Bliszczyce 0 0
4 sowa marta mariaSOWA Marta Maria 29 Debrzyca 2 0.00082
5 kosmala-ognista justynaKOSMALA-OGNISTA Justyna 39 Kietrz 2 0.00082
Total 13
Number of valid votes for the list 13


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 donath-kasiura zuzanna teresaDONATH-KASIURA Zuzanna Teresa 48 Krapkowice 1 0.00041
2 lasar miroslzaw piotrLASAR Mirosław Piotr 32 Rostkowice 0 0
3 dlzugosz krzysztof piotrDŁUGOSZ Krzysztof Piotr 50 Zakrzów 0 0
4 lewkowicz bogna melaniaLEWKOWICZ Bogna Melania 41 Prudnik 0 0
5 herud zuzanna wiktoriaHERUD Zuzanna Wiktoria 22 Dobra 1 0.00041
6 wieczorek natalia agnieszkaWIECZOREK Natalia Agnieszka 27 Walce 0 0
7 zzzok fabian walentyŻOK Fabian Walenty 32 Łowkowice 0 0
Total 2
Number of valid votes for the list 2

List No. 13 - KW ŚPR

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 patolza miroslzaw sebastianPATOŁA Mirosław Sebastian 42 Dąbrówka Górna 0 0
2 lorek krzysztof michalzLOREK Krzysztof Michał 43 Dąbrówka Górna 0 0
3 zuziak-rudecka agnieszka malzgorzataZUZIAK-RUDECKA Agnieszka Małgorzata 38 Prudnik 1 0.00041
4 kubas elzzzbieta beataKUBAS Elżbieta Beata 52 Opole 0 0
5 kowalska klaudia janinaKOWALSKA Klaudia Janina 23 Chróścielów 1 0.00041
Total 2
Number of valid votes for the list 2
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Miejskiej w Kietrzu) - Constituency no. 15
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 599
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 599
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 544
3 The number of unused ballot papers 259
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 285
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 285
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 2
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 285
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 285
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 2
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 1
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 1
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 283
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
19 durda andrzej wojciechDURDA Andrzej Wojciech 25 Ściborzyce Wielkie 95 0.03357
20 rabiniak - mleczko karolina justynaRABINIAK - MLECZKO Karolina Justyna 32 Ściborzyce Wilekie 83 0.02933
21 bajer malzgorzata ewaBAJER Małgorzata Ewa 31 Ściborzyce Wielkie 105 0.0371