Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Polling district No. 3

Location of the district electoral commission Liceum Ogólnokształcące Nr 1, ul. Kopernika 2 Maków Mazowiecki
Polling district type stały
Location accessible to disabled persons Yes
Boundaries Ulice: Adama Mickiewicza Nr, 25, 27, 27A, 27B, 27C, 28, 29, 30, 30A, 33, Admirała Rickovera, Ciechanowska Nr 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F, 3G, 3I, 3J, 5 od Nr 4 do 34, Duńskiego Czerwonego Krzyża, Kolejowa, Kopernika Nr 1, 4, 5, 6, 6B, 7, 9, 9A, 11, Słoniawska, Zrembowska.
Number of inhabitants 2283
Number of voters 1812
Elections Constituency no.
Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim 7, 8, 9, 10
Rady Powiatu w Makowie Mazowieckim 1
Sejmiku Województwa Mazowieckiego 6


  • Elections Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 7
  • Elections Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 8
  • Elections Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 9
  • Elections Burmistrza Miasta Maków Mazowiecki
  • Elections Rady Powiatu w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 1
  • Elections Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 10
  • Elections Sejmiku Województwa Mazowieckiego) - Constituency no. 6
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 7
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 466
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 466
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 480
3 The number of unused ballot papers 285
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 195
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 195
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 195
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 195
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 10
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 6
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 4
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 185
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
10 bojarska pamelaBOJARSKA Pamela 20 Maków Mazowiecki 22 0.01189
18 ogar krzysztof adamOGAR Krzysztof Adam 58 Maków Mazowiecki 85 0.04595
20 kubaszewski janKUBASZEWSKI Jan 64 Maków Mazowiecki 78 0.04216
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 8
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 431
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 431
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 432
3 The number of unused ballot papers 181
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 251
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 251
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 251
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 251
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 14
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 5
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 9
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 237
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
10 mrozz janMRÓZ Jan 63 Maków Mazowiecki 122 0.05148
20 zmorzynzska ewaZMORZYŃSKA Ewa 56 Maków Mazowiecki 115 0.04852
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 9
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 463
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 463
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 468
3 The number of unused ballot papers 189
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 279
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 279
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 279
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 279
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 7
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 2
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 5
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 272
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
10 slzoniewski jerzy heroninSŁONIEWSKI Jerzy Heronin 55 Maków Mazowiecki 81 0.02978
18 szacherska izabelaSZACHERSKA Izabela 48 Maków Mazowiecki 24 0.00882
20 szmialzkowski michalz arkadiuszŚMIAŁKOWSKI Michał Arkadiusz 37 Maków Mazowiecki 167 0.0614
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Burmistrza Miasta Maków Mazowiecki
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 1805
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 1805
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 1832
3 The number of unused ballot papers 858
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 974
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 974
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 974
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 974
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 21
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 16
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 5
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 953
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 ciak tadeuszCIAK Tadeusz 48 wyższe Maków Mazowiecki 516 0.05414
2 jaroszewska hannaJAROSZEWSKA Hanna 57 wyższe Maków Mazowiecki 47 0.00493
3 jaworowski jacekJAWOROWSKI Jacek 45 średnie Maków Mazowiecki 167 0.01752
4 michalski wojciechMICHALSKI Wojciech 63 wyższe Maków Mazowiecki 223 0.0234
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Powiatu w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 1
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 1805
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 1650
3 The number of unused ballot papers 675
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 974
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 973
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 973
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 56
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 36
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 20
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 917
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kolzodziejski cezaryKOŁODZIEJSKI Cezary 57 Maków Mazowiecki 104 0.01134
2 wachol antoni krzysztofWACHOL Antoni Krzysztof 69 Maków Mazowiecki 44 0.0048
3 kymona krzysztofKYMONA Krzysztof 52 Maków Mazowiecki 42 0.00458
4 kordowska mieczyslzawaKORDOWSKA Mieczysława 52 Maków Mazowiecki 22 0.0024
5 kacprzycka agnieszkaKACPRZYCKA Agnieszka 47 Maków Mazowiecki 24 0.00262
6 michalska agnieszkaMICHALSKA Agnieszka 46 Maków Mazowiecki 16 0.00174
Total 252
Number of valid votes for the list 252


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kos andrzej janKOS Andrzej Jan 52 Maków Mazowiecki 205 0.02236
2 baranzski rafalz pawelzBARAŃSKI Rafał Paweł 38 Maków Mazowiecki 61 0.00665
3 pawlzowska bozzzenaPAWŁOWSKA Bożena 56 Kobylinek 28 0.00305
4 ossowski andrzejOSSOWSKI Andrzej 60 Maków Mazowiecki 43 0.00469
5 obidzinzska oliwia teresaOBIDZIŃSKA Oliwia Teresa 21 Maków Mazowiecki 6 0.00065
6 kozicka annaKOZICKA Anna 60 Maków Mazowiecki 15 0.00164
Total 358
Number of valid votes for the list 358


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 wlzoczkowska teresa jolantaWŁOCZKOWSKA Teresa Jolanta 64 Maków Mazowiecki 74 0.00807
2 gozjski arkadiuszGÓJSKI Arkadiusz 47 Maków Mazowiecki 122 0.0133
3 smolinzska agnieszkaSMOLIŃSKA Agnieszka 58 Maków Mazowiecki 22 0.0024
4 jelska jolantaJELSKA Jolanta 56 Maków Mazowiecki 5 0.00055
5 tusinzski adamTUSIŃSKI Adam 46 Maków Mazowiecki 5 0.00055
6 kukawka mariuszKUKAWKA Mariusz 42 Maków Mazowiecki 4 0.00044
Total 232
Number of valid votes for the list 232


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 madrak annaMADRAK Anna 39 Maków Mazowiecki 25 0.00273
2 romanowski stanislzawROMANOWSKI Stanisław 65 Maków Mazowiecki 11 0.0012
3 drejka sylwiaDREJKA Sylwia 32 Maków Mazowiecki 4 0.00044
4 kacprzycka ewaKACPRZYCKA Ewa 36 Maków Mazowiecki 12 0.00131
5 szczucinzski lzukasz ryszardSZCZUCIŃSKI Łukasz Ryszard 19 Maków Mazowiecki 23 0.00251
Total 75
Number of valid votes for the list 75
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Rady Miejskiej w Makowie Mazowieckim) - Constituency no. 10
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 445
1a including voters placed in A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 445
1b including voters placed in B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 453
3 The number of unused ballot papers 205
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 249
4a Including A part of the roll of voters (Polish citizens) 249
4b including B part of the roll of voters (EU citizens who are not Polish citizens) 0
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 248
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 248
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 10
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 6
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 4
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 238
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
10 ilinzski marcinILIŃSKI Marcin 35 Maków Mazowiecki 71 0.02983
18 kolos jan piotrKOLOS Jan Piotr 63 Maków Mazowiecki 48 0.02017
20 piaztek miroslzawPIĄTEK Mirosław 62 Maków Mazowiecki 119 0.05
Pobierz skan protokołu .pdf - Elections Sejmiku Województwa Mazowieckiego) - Constituency no. 6
1 The number of voters entitled to vote (entered in the roll of voters, including additional forms) when the voting is concluded 1805
2 The number of ballot papers received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote, determined after counting ballot papers and prior to the commencement of voting 1650
3 The number of unused ballot papers 676
4 The number of voters to whom ballot papers were delivered (the number of signatures in the roll of voters and annotations on ballot papers delivered without the signature confirmation in the roll of voters ) 974
5 The number of voters exercising proxy voting (the number of ballot papers delivered to voters on the basis of the power of attorney received by the district electoral commission for holding a vote) 0
6 The number of voters, who were sent voting package 0
7 The number of return envelopes in postal voting 0
7a The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing statement on personal and secret vote 0
7b The number of return envelopes in postal voting where statement was not signed by the voter 0
7c The number of return envelopes in postal voting with missing envelope for the ballot paper 0
7d The number of return envelopes in postal voting where the envelope for the ballot paper was not sealed 0
7e The number of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting put into the ballot box 0
8 The number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 974
8a including the number of ballot papers taken out of envelopes for ballot papers in postal voting 0
9 The number of invalid ballot papers (other than those officialy provided or those not stamped with the district electoral commission for holding a vote's seal 0
10 The number of valid ballot papers 974
11 The numberof invalid votes (out of valid ballot papers) 77
11a due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the names of two or more candidates 25
11b due to putting an "x" mark adjacent to the name of any candidate 52
11c due to putting an "x" mark adjacent only to the name of the candidate, whose name has been deleted from the list 0
12 The number of valid votes cast for all candidates (out of valid ballot papers) 897
14 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the total number of items 3 & 4 and a number of item 2; if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
15 Remarks on the probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8 reduced by the number of item 8a and number of item 4a, as well as on probable cause of a difference between the number of item 8a and number of item 7e, if the difference does not occur, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
16 Remarks on the probable cause of invalid ballot papers occurance (item 9); if the number in item 9 is 0, write down "no remarks". The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
17 In the course of voting the following orders were issued, if none were issued, write down "no orders"; The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
18 An annotation of entering comments by poll observers, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" or "no poll observers in the polling district" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
19 An annotation of entering comments by the members of district electoral commission for establishment of the results of voting, specifying precise complaints **), if there are none, write down "no complaints" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.
20 Other remarks; if there are none, write down "no remarks" The content, due to the possibility of personal data, will be available in the scan of the protocol after its anonymisation.


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 gajowniczek krzysztofGAJOWNICZEK Krzysztof 39 Chlewiska 2 0.00022
2 blzonzska zofiaBŁOŃSKA Zofia 67 Sokołów Podlaski 10 0.00111
3 krupa marcinKRUPA Marcin 40 Węgrów 0 0
4 kubelz joannaKUBEŁ Joanna 43 Dęby 1 0.00011
5 bodzan adamBODZAN Adam 29 Kamieńczyk 1 0.00011
6 malitka annaMALITKA Anna 55 Garwolin 2 0.00022
7 janiszewski grzegorzJANISZEWSKI Grzegorz 42 Ostrołęka 0 0
8 kowalczyk urszula elzzzbietaKOWALCZYK Urszula Elżbieta 47 Bachorza 2 0.00022
9 tomasiewicz henryk ireneuszTOMASIEWICZ Henryk Ireneusz 61 Sulejówek 0 0
10 krawczyk maria antoninaKRAWCZYK Maria Antonina 24 Warszawa 0 0
11 lzubkowski lzukaszŁUBKOWSKI Łukasz 37 Pruszyn 1 0.00011
Total 19
Number of valid votes for the list 19


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 orzelzowska janina ewaORZEŁOWSKA Janina Ewa 51 Siedlce 6 0.00067
2 augustyniak miroslzaw janAUGUSTYNIAK Mirosław Jan 55 Sypniewo 208 0.02319
3 krupinzski marianKRUPIŃSKI Marian 71 Ostrołęka 2 0.00022
4 domzzzalza cecyliaDOMŻAŁA Cecylia 62 Wyszków 0 0
5 piesio jerzyPIESIO Jerzy 65 Garwolin 3 0.00033
6 kozera mariuszKOZERA Mariusz 41 Barcząca 1 0.00011
7 pieniak rafalzPIENIAK Rafał 41 Sokołów Podlaski 3 0.00033
8 wieczorek anna agnieszkaWIECZOREK Anna Agnieszka 45 Krypy 1 0.00011
9 pezdzich-oszcilzowska ewaPĘDZICH-OŚCIŁOWSKA Ewa 46 Ostrów Mazowiecka 1 0.00011
10 tarkowska annaTARKOWSKA Anna 38 Stare Biernaty 0 0
11 skwierczynzski grzegorz krzysztofSKWIERCZYŃSKI Grzegorz Krzysztof 44 Rzążew 2 0.00022
Total 227
Number of valid votes for the list 227


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 zielinzska urszula saraZIELIŃSKA Urszula Sara 41 Siedlce 1 0.00011
2 nawrocki pawelz jerzyNAWROCKI Paweł Jerzy 58 Warszawa 2 0.00022
3 kolzodziej irenaKOŁODZIEJ Irena 71 Warszawa 3 0.00033
4 wilczynzski tomasz grzegorzWILCZYŃSKI Tomasz Grzegorz 38 Radom 0 0
5 mitros katarzynaMITROS Katarzyna 75 Warszawa 0 0
Total 6
Number of valid votes for the list 6


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 lanc elzzzbietaLANC Elżbieta 59 Sadowne 22 0.00245
2 gruzinzski krzysztof tadeuszGRUZIŃSKI Krzysztof Tadeusz 62 Sulejówek 1 0.00011
3 kalicki wieslzaw andrzejKALICKI Wiesław Andrzej 54 Żelków-Kolonia 0 0
4 dziadak ryszardDZIADAK Ryszard 44 Maków Mazowiecki 158 0.01761
5 flaga ewa jolantaFLAGA Ewa Jolanta 58 Garwolin 1 0.00011
6 sobiech robertSOBIECH Robert 49 Kadzidło 0 0
7 daniluk andrzejDANILUK Andrzej 52 Łosice 0 0
8 jastrzezbska dorotaJASTRZĘBSKA Dorota 52 Sokołów Podlaski 3 0.00033
9 danielak marzenaDANIELAK Marzena 42 Kotuń 0 0
10 wozjcik maciej miroslzawWÓJCIK Maciej Mirosław 52 Wyszków 2 0.00022
11 sawicka bozzzenaSAWICKA Bożena 52 Siedlce 5 0.00056
Total 192
Number of valid votes for the list 192


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 filipek krzysztofFILIPEK Krzysztof 57 Międzyleś 9 0.001
2 prandota maciej tadeuszPRANDOTA Maciej Tadeusz 68 Warszawa 0 0
3 kolzodziejczyk krzysztofKOŁODZIEJCZYK Krzysztof 66 Komorowo 5 0.00056
4 stawowska elzzzbieta halinaSTAWOWSKA Elżbieta Halina 65 Ostrołęka 3 0.00033
5 lipowski wieslzawLIPOWSKI Wiesław 59 Łukowo 12 0.00134
6 rowicka eryka annaROWICKA Eryka Anna 41 Wólka Paplińska 3 0.00033
7 fierka michalz dariuszFIERKA Michał Dariusz 27 Nowe Kościeliska 0 0
8 matyja sylwiaMATYJA Sylwia 30 Marki 2 0.00022
9 laskowski patrykLASKOWSKI Patryk 30 Ostrów Mazowiecka 0 0
10 zagrodzki tomasz zbigniewZAGRODZKI Tomasz Zbigniew 33 Warszawa 0 0
11 dinh hong sandra ngocDINH HONG Sandra Ngoc 23 Warszawa 2 0.00022
Total 36
Number of valid votes for the list 36

List No. 6 - KW RAZEM

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 olko dorota zofiaOLKO Dorota Zofia 30 Siedlce 1 0.00011
2 pniewski tomasz andrzejPNIEWSKI Tomasz Andrzej 42 Warszawa 1 0.00011
3 zielinzska ewa danutaZIELIŃSKA Ewa Danuta 55 Warszawa 0 0
4 szkudlzapska aleksandra ewaSZKUDŁAPSKA Aleksandra Ewa 34 Warszawa 1 0.00011
5 regulza patryk erykREGUŁA Patryk Eryk 19 Węgrów 1 0.00011
6 czepiel maja joannaCZEPIEL Maja Joanna 27 Warszawa 1 0.00011
7 krajewski piotrKRAJEWSKI Piotr 55 Warszawa 2 0.00022
8 broniarek andrzej rafalzBRONIAREK Andrzej Rafał 33 Warszawa 1 0.00011
Total 8
Number of valid votes for the list 8


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 tumanowicz witold slzawomirTUMANOWICZ Witold Sławomir 31 Warszawa 2 0.00022
2 durka adam eliaszDURKA Adam Eliasz 50 Stojadła 2 0.00022
3 dazdera karolDĄDERA Karol 22 Długosiodło 1 0.00011
4 melion magdalena patrycjaMELION Magdalena Patrycja 22 Ostrykół Włościański 0 0
5 marzoch michalzMARZOCH Michał 21 Wincentowo 0 0
6 malzyszek paulina danutaMAŁYSZEK Paulina Danuta 27 Warszawa 0 0
7 iwanowska milena agataIWANOWSKA Milena Agata 39 Warszawa 0 0
Total 5
Number of valid votes for the list 5

List No. 8 - KWW KUKIZ'15

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 pilzka marianPIŁKA Marian 64 Trąbki 13 0.00145
2 dazbrowski zbigniewDĄBROWSKI Zbigniew 43 Ostrołęka 4 0.00045
3 kulesza ireneuszKULESZA Ireneusz 53 Ostrów Mazowiecka 3 0.00033
4 trzaska teresaTRZASKA Teresa 62 Wyszków 3 0.00033
5 sadowska barbara mariaSADOWSKA Barbara Maria 61 Pruszyn-Pieńki 2 0.00022
6 kowalewska mariola zofiaKOWALEWSKA Mariola Zofia 52 Małkinia 2 0.00022
7 lzugowska wanda mariaŁUGOWSKA Wanda Maria 63 Ostrołęka 5 0.00056
8 kotlarz magdalenaKOTLARZ Magdalena 33 Wyszków 0 0
9 leszczynzski radoslzawLESZCZYŃSKI Radosław 18 Cegłów 5 0.00056
10 pasiak hubert michalzPASIAK Hubert Michał 36 Krzesk-Królowa Niwa 0 0
Total 37
Number of valid votes for the list 37


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 zdunek lzukaszZDUNEK Łukasz 36 Ostrołęka 6 0.00067
2 salamon aneta annaSALAMON Aneta Anna 41 Siedlce 1 0.00011
3 cybulski cezaryCYBULSKI Cezary 44 Siedlce 0 0
4 bala pawelzBALA Paweł 29 Węgrów 3 0.00033
5 radzikowska edytaRADZIKOWSKA Edyta 23 Modrzew 0 0
6 stoszewski tadeuszSTOSZEWSKI Tadeusz 69 Wyszków 0 0
7 kazdziela ewaKĄDZIELA Ewa 30 Sadowne 2 0.00022
8 tobiasz mariaTOBIASZ Maria 20 Górzno 0 0
9 harasim michalzHARASIM Michał 29 Siedlce 0 0
10 stefaniuk piotr pawelzSTEFANIUK Piotr Paweł 28 Łosice 0 0
11 korwin-mikke natalia ewaKORWIN-MIKKE Natalia Ewa 20 Warszawa 2 0.00022
Total 14
Number of valid votes for the list 14


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 kudelski wojciech jozzefKUDELSKI Wojciech Józef 70 Siedlce 91 0.01014
2 grabowski marcinGRABOWSKI Marcin 37 Ostrołęka 54 0.00602
3 zzzochowski krzysztof janŻOCHOWSKI Krzysztof Jan 54 Sławiny 19 0.00212
4 bala joannaBALA Joanna 39 Niegów 18 0.00201
5 gozras michalz tadeuszGÓRAS Michał Tadeusz 37 Mińsk Mazowiecki 3 0.00033
6 kozaczynzski jacekKOZACZYŃSKI Jacek 50 Siedlce 4 0.00045
7 winiarski krzysztofWINIARSKI Krzysztof 54 Ostrów Mazowiecka 8 0.00089
8 skrzypek dorotaSKRZYPEK Dorota 52 Wieliszew 8 0.00089
9 gozrski maciejGÓRSKI Maciej 35 Górki-Grubaki 13 0.00145
10 rogalska barbaraROGALSKA Barbara 35 Maków Mazowiecki 81 0.00903
11 wozzniak-sionek elzzzbietaWOŹNIAK-SIONEK Elżbieta 63 Parysów 11 0.00123
Total 310
Number of valid votes for the list 310


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 nartonowicz agnieszkaNARTONOWICZ Agnieszka 43 Ostrołęka 6 0.00067
2 szablzowski marekSZABŁOWSKI Marek 55 Ławy 2 0.00022
3 dziezgielewski adrianDZIĘGIELEWSKI Adrian 24 Ostrołęka 0 0
4 bobowska grazzzynaBOBOWSKA Grażyna 54 Łęg Przedmiejski 0 0
5 dziezgielewska zdzislzawaDZIĘGIELEWSKA Zdzisława 50 Ostrołęka 1 0.00011
6 wierzbicki romuald lechWIERZBICKI Romuald Lech 70 Józefów 1 0.00011
7 szczubelzek ewaSZCZUBEŁEK Ewa 51 Ostrołęka 2 0.00022
Total 12
Number of valid votes for the list 12


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 dmowski henrykDMOWSKI Henryk 64 Siedlce 0 0
2 zzzochowski dariusz leonŻOCHOWSKI Dariusz Leon 50 Mińsk Mazowiecki 0 0
3 jedynak miroslzaw stanislzawJEDYNAK Mirosław Stanisław 56 Wygoda 0 0
4 sieniawska-sokolzowska katarzyna joannaSIENIAWSKA-SOKOŁOWSKA Katarzyna Joanna 52 Sulejówek 0 0
5 milzosz olgaMIŁOSZ Olga 22 Garwolin 2 0.00022
6 galzecka kamilaGAŁECKA Kamila 29 Czarnoty 2 0.00022
7 lzuka kosel hannaŁUKA KOSEL Hanna 60 Siedlce 0 0
8 hennig renata danutaHENNIG Renata Danuta 63 Warszawa 0 0
9 gutowska dorotaGUTOWSKA Dorota 44 Ostrołęka 0 0
10 rudzki kazimierzRUDZKI Kazimierz 53 Warszawa 0 0
11 kulas slzawomir adamKULAS Sławomir Adam 34 Teodorowo 1 0.00011
Total 5
Number of valid votes for the list 5


No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of votes Votes %
1 wozjcik andrzejWÓJCIK Andrzej 70 Ochudno 2 0.00022
2 rycielski tomasz maciejRYCIELSKI Tomasz Maciej 65 Mińsk Mazowiecki 0 0
3 tul maria grazzzynaTUL Maria Grażyna 61 Sulejówek 0 0
4 kanonowicz saraKANONOWICZ Sara 33 Warszawa 1 0.00011
5 wilkowski jaroslzawWILKOWSKI Jarosław 53 Maków Mazowiecki 22 0.00245
6 pasznicki zenon jozzefPAŚNICKI Zenon Józef 50 Łaskarzew 0 0
7 krawczak jolantaKRAWCZAK Jolanta 57 Stanisławów 1 0.00011
8 leszczynzska barbaraLESZCZYŃSKA Barbara 40 Brzóze 0 0
9 matyszewska anna teresaMATYSZEWSKA Anna Teresa 60 Warszawa 0 0
Total 26
Number of valid votes for the list 26