Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Number of
Inhabitants 7 843
Voters 6 033
Polling districts 8
  • Elections to Rady Gminy Sławno
  • Elections Wójta Gminy Sławno
  • The results of voting for city council
  • The results of elections for city council
  • The results of voting and elections for the head of the commune
  • Geography

Aggregated information on polling districts

Aggregated information on constituencies

ConstituencyBoundariesNumber of
mandatesVotersRegistered listscandidates from all lists
0.0000010000No. 1 Sławno, Sławno – Kolonia 1 498 2 2
0.0000020000No. 2 Celestynów, Grudzeń–Kolonia, Olszewice, Unewel 1 342 1 1
0.0000030000No. 3 Bratków, Grudzeń–Las 1 323 2 2
0.0000040000No. 4 Kamień, Tomaszówek, Wincentynów 1 554 3 3
0.0000050000No. 5 Dąbrówka, Szadkowice, Trojanów 1 367 2 2
0.0000060000No. 6 Gawrony 1 516 2 2
0.0000070000No. 7 Kunice 1 326 2 2
0.0000080000No. 8 Grążowice, Zachorzów 1 446 2 2
0.0000090000No. 9 Józefów, Zachorzów-Kolonia 1 336 2 2
0.0000100000No. 10 Kamilówka, Kozenin, Owadów 1 417 2 2
0.0000110000No. 11 Antoniówka, Ostrożna 1 421 3 3
0.0000120000No. 12 Antoninów, Ludwinów, Wygnanów 1 491 2 2
0.0000130000No. 13 Dąbrowa, Popławy, Psary 1 381 2 2
0.0000140000No. 14 Olszowiec, Sepno-Radonia 1 286 2 2
0.0000150000No. 15 Prymusowa Wola 1 329 2 2
Summary156 0333131
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries

Aggregated information on the lists of candidates

Aggregated information on candidates for office

The results of voting in constituencies

Results of voting for committees

The allotment of seats amongst the lists of election committees

Rada Gminy Sławno - The results of elections

Aggregated information on candidates for office

Aggregated information on polling districts

  • Geography statistics

Geography statistics

Details Elections to councils Number of Elections for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a town
councils councillors constituencies Inhabitants Voters Polling districts number of heads of communes number of mayors numebr of presidents of towns
communes total 1 15 15 7 843 6 033 8 1

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