Powiat Wieluński
Details | Data |
Abbreviation of the name | KWW KUKIZ'15 |
Type of committee | Komitet wyborczy wyborców |
Address | ul. Sienna 57A / 17, 00-820 Warszawa |
Election agent | Zbigniew Oborski |
Financial agent | Aleksandra Anna Ziółkowska |
Website | https://www.kwwkukiz-15.pl/ |
- Information about candidates
- The results of elections
Rada Powiatu w Wieluniu
Registered candidates
Details | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) | Status |
Okręg nr 1 | 8 | 3 | 37.50 | 5 | 62.50 | 1 |
Okręg nr 2 | 5 | 2 | 40.00 | 3 | 60.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 3 | 5 | 3 | 60.00 | 2 | 40.00 | 1 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Age of candidates
Details | Average age | Average age of women | Average age of men | Oldest | Youngest |
Okręg nr 1 | 43 | 57 | 35 | 64 | 24 |
Okręg nr 2 | 38 | 21 | 49 | 61 | 19 |
Okręg nr 3 | 38 | 35 | 41 | 50 | 31 |
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
Candidates list statistics
Registered lists
Details | Number of | |
lists | councils | |
Lists registered for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Lists registered for the councils of counties | 0.999999973 | 0.999999991 |
Total | 0.999999973 | 0.999999991 |
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries
Registered lists
Details | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) |
Number of candidates registered for the councils of commune under 20 000 inhabitants | 0.999999730 | 0.9999998614 | 0.999999533347% | 0.9999998416 | 0.999999466753% |
Number of candidates registered for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Number of candidates registered for the councils of counties | 0.9999998218 | 0.999999928 | 0.999999555644% | 0.999999910 | 0.999999444456% |
Number of registered candidates for the head of the commune | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999100% | 1.10 | 10% |
Number of registered candidates for the mayor | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Total | 0.9999995149 | 0.9999997723 | 0.999999530647% | 0.9999997426 | 0.999999469453% |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
Average age of registered candidates
Details | Average age | Average age of women | Average age of men |
Average age of candidates for the councils of counties | 0.9999995941 | 0.999999640 | 0.9999995941 |
Average age of candidates for the head of the commune | 0.999999460 | 0.999999460 | 1.1 |
Average age of candidates for the mayor | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Average age of candidates submitted for the councils of commune under 20 000 inhabitants | 0.9999995842 | 0.9999995644 | 0.9999995941 |
Average age of candidates submitted for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Total | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
Registered candidates for councils grouped by age and gender
Age | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) |
18-29 | 0.999999910 | 0.999999973 | 0.999999730% | 0.999999937 | 0.999999370% |
30-39 | 0.9999998416 | 0.999999928 | 0.999999550% | 0.999999928 | 0.999999550% |
40-59 | 0.9999998515 | 0.999999928 | 0.999999466753% | 0.999999937 | 0.999999533347% |
60+ | 0.999999937 | 0.999999973 | 0.999999571443% | 0.999999964 | 0.999999428657% |
Total | 0.9999995248 | 0.9999997822 | 0.999999541746% | 0.9999997426 | 0.999999458354% |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Registered candidates for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a twon grouped by age and gender
Age | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) |
18-29 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
30-39 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
40-59 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
60+ | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999100% | 1.10 | 10% |
Total | 0.999999991 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999100% | 1.10 | 10% |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Elections to Rady Powiatu w Wieluniu
List No. 8 [ Constituency no. 1 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
1 | lewandowski lzukaszLEWANDOWSKI Łukasz | 31 | 1.1Wieluń | 0.99999754246 | 0.0018 |
1.80% | No |
2 | wolniaczyk waldemar arkadiuszWOLNIACZYK Waldemar Arkadiusz | 51 | 1.1Dąbrowa | 0.99999727273 | 0.002 |
2.00% | No |
3 | malzecka halina ewaMAŁECKA Halina Ewa | 64 | 1.1Wieluń | 0.9999995545 | 0.00033 |
0.33% | No |
4 | kalinzska elzzzbietaKALIŃSKA Elżbieta | 58 | 1.1Wieluń | 0.99999574426 | 0.00312 |
3.12% | No |
5 | witkowski krzysztof patrykWITKOWSKI Krzysztof Patryk | 24 | 1.1Ruda | 0.9999997921 | 0.00015 |
0.15% | No |
6 | zgondek mateuszZGONDEK Mateusz | 27 | 1.1Wieluń | 0.9999994654 | 0.0004 |
0.40% | No |
7 | korzanzska urszula jadwigaKORZAŃSKA Urszula Jadwiga | 48 | 1.1Wieluń | 0.9999997228 | 0.00021 |
0.21% | No |
8 | antoniak tomaszANTONIAK Tomasz | 41 | 1.1Wieluń | 0.99999887113 | 0.00083 |
0.83% | No |
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
List No. 8 [ Constituency no. 2 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
1 | kosinzski marek krzysztofKOSIŃSKI Marek Krzysztof | 41 | 1.1Biała Druga | 0.99999807193 | 0.00208 |
2.08% | No |
2 | makos krzysztof tomaszMAKOS Krzysztof Tomasz | 43 | 1.1Krzyworzeka | 0.9999995446 | 0.0005 |
0.50% | No |
3 | dwornicka magdalena mariaDWORNICKA Magdalena Maria | 23 | 1.1Huby | 0.9999994951 | 0.00055 |
0.55% | No |
4 | psyta henryk ireneuszPSYTA Henryk Ireneusz | 61 | 1.1Gwizdałki | 0.9999994555 | 0.00059 |
0.59% | No |
5 | derkowska joanna magdalenaDERKOWSKA Joanna Magdalena | 19 | 1.1Bieniec | 0.9999997129 | 0.00031 |
0.31% | No |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries
List No. 8 [ Constituency no. 3 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
1 | sobczyk bogdan janSOBCZYK Bogdan Jan | 50 | 1.1Bieniec | 0.99999619381 | 0.00387 |
3.87% | No |
2 | kalzuzzzna agnieszka elzzzbietaKAŁUŻNA Agnieszka Elżbieta | 39 | 1.1Kuźnica Strobińska | 0.99999882118 | 0.0012 |
1.20% | No |
3 | rus anna katarzynaRUS Anna Katarzyna | 31 | 1.1Kraszkowice | 0.9999995941 | 0.00042 |
0.42% | No |
4 | kluska andrzejKLUSKA Andrzej | 32 | 1.1Krzeczów | 0.9999991684 | 0.00085 |
0.85% | No |
5 | napierajczyk marzenaNAPIERAJCZYK Marzena | 35 | 1.1Wieluń | 0.999999640 | 0.00041 |
0.41% | No |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries