Województwo Podlaskie
Details | Data |
Abbreviation of the name | KW WOLNI I SOLIDARNI |
Type of committee | Komitet wyborczy partii politycznej |
Address | Wiejska 2, 00-489 Warszawa |
Election agent | Grzegorz Krzysztof Krzeszowski |
Financial agent | Sylwia Anna Sadecka |
Website | https://kw.wolniisolidarni.pl/ |
- Information about candidates
- The results of elections
Sejmik Województwa Podlaskiego
Registered candidates
Details | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) | Status |
Okręg nr 1 | 8 | 3 | 37.50 | 5 | 62.50 | 1 |
Okręg nr 2 | 7 | 3 | 42.86 | 4 | 57.14 | 1 |
Okręg nr 3 | 6 | 3 | 50.00 | 3 | 50.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 4 | 5 | 2 | 40.00 | 3 | 60.00 | 1 |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Age of candidates
Details | Average age | Average age of women | Average age of men | Oldest | Youngest |
Okręg nr 1 | 49 | 45 | 51 | 72 | 29 |
Okręg nr 2 | 51 | 46 | 55 | 68 | 35 |
Okręg nr 3 | 47 | 49 | 45 | 69 | 28 |
Okręg nr 4 | 39 | 39 | 39 | 74 | 18 |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Candidates list statistics
Registered lists
Details | Number of | |
lists | councils | |
Lists registered for city councils having the rights of a county | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Lists registered for the assemblies of voivodships | 0.999999964 | 0.999999991 |
Lists registered for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Lists registered for the councils of counties | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Total | 0.999999964 | 0.999999991 |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Registered lists
Details | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) |
Number of candidates registered for city councils having the rights of a county | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Number of candidates registered for the assemblies of voivodships | 0.9999997426 | 0.9999998911 | 0.999999576942% | 0.9999998515 | 0.999999423158% |
Number of candidates registered for the councils of commune under 20 000 inhabitants | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Number of candidates registered for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Number of candidates registered for the councils of counties | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Number of registered candidates for the head of the commune | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Number of registered candidates for the mayor | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Number of registered candidates for the president of a town | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1% | 1.1 | 1.1% |
Total | 0.9999997426 | 0.9999998911 | 0.999999576942% | 0.9999998515 | 0.999999423158% |
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
Average age of registered candidates
Details | Average age | Average age of women | Average age of men |
Average age of candidates for the assemblies of voivodships | 0.9999995248 | 0.9999995446 | 0.9999995149 |
Average age of candidates for the city councils having the rights of a county | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Average age of candidates for the councils of counties | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Average age of candidates for the head of the commune | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Average age of candidates for the mayor | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Average age of candidates for the president of a town | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Average age of candidates submitted for the councils of commune under 20 000 inhabitants | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Average age of candidates submitted for the councils of communes over 20 000 inhabitants | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.1 |
Total | 0.9999995248 | 0.9999995446 | 0.9999995149 |
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
Registered candidates for councils grouped by age and gender
Age | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) |
18-29 | 0.999999964 | 0.999999991 | 0.9999997525% | 0.999999973 | 0.9999992575% |
30-39 | 0.999999937 | 0.999999946 | 0.999999142986% | 0.999999991 | 0.999999857114% |
40-59 | 0.999999937 | 0.999999991 | 0.999999857114% | 0.999999946 | 0.999999142986% |
60+ | 0.999999928 | 0.999999973 | 0.99999962538% | 0.999999955 | 0.99999937563% |
Total | 0.9999997426 | 0.9999998911 | 0.999999576942% | 0.9999998515 | 0.999999423158% |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Registered candidates for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a twon grouped by age and gender
Age | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) |
18-29 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
30-39 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
40-59 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
60+ | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
Total | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Elections to Sejmiku Województwa Podlaskiego
List No. 11 [ Constituency no. 1 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
1 | kreda tadeuszKREDA Tadeusz | 61 | 1.1Białystok | 0.99999896104 | 9.0E-5 |
0.09% | No |
2 | milzkowska sylwiaMIŁKOWSKA Sylwia | 34 | 1.1Białystok | 0.999999280 | 7.0E-5 |
0.07% | No |
3 | rogalski krzysztofROGALSKI Krzysztof | 45 | 1.1Białystok | 0.9999994258 | 5.0E-5 |
0.05% | No |
4 | kiryluk annaKIRYLUK Anna | 72 | 1.1Białystok | 0.9999990397 | 8.0E-5 |
0.08% | No |
5 | chlabicz annaCHLABICZ Anna | 29 | 1.1Białystok | 0.99999893107 | 9.0E-5 |
0.09% | No |
6 | jaroslzawski jerzyJAROSŁAWSKI Jerzy | 54 | 1.1Białystok | 0.9999998317 | 1.0E-5 |
0.01% | No |
7 | walendziuk cezaryWALENDZIUK Cezary | 51 | 1.1Białystok | 0.999999640 | 3.0E-5 |
0.03% | No |
8 | surynowicz tomaszSURYNOWICZ Tomasz | 44 | 1.1Białystok | 0.9999996832 | 3.0E-5 |
0.03% | No |
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries
List No. 11 [ Constituency no. 2 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
1 | basiewicz miroslzawBASIEWICZ Mirosław | 60 | 1.1Słobódka | 0.99999757243 | 0.00022 |
0.22% | No |
2 | flis monikaFLIS Monika | 35 | 1.1Rutka-Tartak | 0.99999845155 | 0.00014 |
0.14% | No |
3 | dazbrowski krzysztofDĄBROWSKI Krzysztof | 53 | 1.1Czarna Białostocka | 0.99999733267 | 0.00024 |
0.24% | No |
4 | flis ryszardFLIS Ryszard | 37 | 1.1Rutka-Tartak | 0.9999992674 | 7.0E-5 |
0.07% | No |
5 | zdancewicz barbaraZDANCEWICZ Barbara | 65 | 1.1Sejny | 0.99999844156 | 0.00014 |
0.14% | No |
6 | osiecki zygmuntOSIECKI Zygmunt | 68 | 1.1Słobódka | 0.99999867133 | 0.00012 |
0.12% | No |
7 | zzzyznowska anetaŻYZNOWSKA Aneta | 36 | 1.1Ratowo-Piotrowo | 0.9999991189 | 8.0E-5 |
0.08% | No |
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries
List No. 11 [ Constituency no. 3 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
1 | komorowski piotr pawelzKOMOROWSKI Piotr Paweł | 41 | 1.1Sierzputy-Marki | 0.99999569431 | 0.00046 |
0.46% | No |
2 | fiertek jozzefFIERTEK Józef | 66 | 1.1Łomża | 0.9999990199 | 0.0001 |
0.10% | No |
3 | zaborszczyk ewaZABORSZCZYK Ewa | 37 | 1.1Szczepankowo | 0.99999892108 | 0.00011 |
0.11% | No |
4 | szablzowska joanna annaSZABŁOWSKA Joanna Anna | 39 | 1.1Ratowo-Piotrowo | 0.99999875125 | 0.00013 |
0.13% | No |
5 | trzaska emilTRZASKA Emil | 28 | 1.1Wierzbowo | 0.99999874126 | 0.00013 |
0.13% | No |
6 | mocarska elzzzbieta wandaMOCARSKA Elżbieta Wanda | 69 | 1.1Janczewo | 0.99999856144 | 0.00015 |
0.15% | No |
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 entries
List No. 11 [ Constituency no. 4 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
1 | komorowska barbaraKOMOROWSKA Barbara | 37 | 1.1Sierzputy-Marki | 0.99999637363 | 0.00025 |
0.25% | No |
2 | trzaska wojciechTRZASKA Wojciech | 23 | 1.1Wierzbowo | 0.99999822178 | 0.00012 |
0.12% | No |
3 | mierzejewska beataMIERZEJEWSKA Beata | 41 | 1.1Truszki | 0.99999877123 | 8.0E-5 |
0.08% | No |
4 | trzaska piotrTRZASKA Piotr | 18 | 1.1Wierzbowo | 0.99999847153 | 0.0001 |
0.10% | No |
5 | mocarski antoniMOCARSKI Antoni | 74 | 1.1Janczewo | 0.99999877123 | 8.0E-5 |
0.08% | No |
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries