Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Details Data
Type of committee Komitet wyborczy wyborców
Address ul. Reymonta 79, 97-524 Kobiele Wielkie
Election agent Karol Piotr
Financial agent
  • Information about candidates
  • The results of elections

Wójt Gminy Kobiele Wielkie

Number Family name and given names Age Address, party membership and endorsements
2 WIĘCKOWSKI Henryk 66 Kobiele Wielkie

Rada Gminy Kobiele Wielkie

Registered candidates

Details Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%) Status
Okręg nr 1 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 2 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 3 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 4 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 5 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 8 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 9 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 10 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 11 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 14 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 15 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1

Age of candidates

Details Average age Average age of women Average age of men Oldest Youngest
Okręg nr 1 46 46 46 46
Okręg nr 2 58 58 58 58
Okręg nr 3 60 60 60 60
Okręg nr 4 55 55 55 55
Okręg nr 5 55 55 55 55
Okręg nr 8 61 61 61 61
Okręg nr 9 59 59 59 59
Okręg nr 10 39 39 39 39
Okręg nr 11 66 66 66 66
Okręg nr 14 52 52 52 52
Okręg nr 15 60 60 60 60

Candidates list statistics

Registered candidates for councils grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 0 0 0% 0 0%
30-39 0 0 0% 0 0%
40-59 6 1 17% 5 83%
60+ 5 0 0% 5 100%
Total 11 1 9% 10 91%

Registered candidates for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a twon grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 0 0 0% 0 0%
30-39 0 0 0% 0 0%
40-59 0 0 0% 0 0%
60+ 1 0 0% 1 100%
Total 1 0 0% 1 100%

Elections to Rady Gminy Kobiele Wielkie

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 1 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 mierzwa anna mariolaMIERZWA Anna Mariola 46 Karsy 77 0.05347
53.47% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 2 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 maks lech rafalzMAKS Lech Rafał 58 Kobiele Małe 68 0.05484
54.84% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 3 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 zasada miroslzaw ludwikZASADA Mirosław Ludwik 60 Świerczyny 86 0.06825
68.25% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 4 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 dzwonkowski henryk sylwesterDZWONKOWSKI Henryk Sylwester 55 Huta Drewniana 59 0.05728
57.28% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 5 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 flasza miroslzaw jozzefFLASZA Mirosław Józef 55 Wola Rożkowa 83 0.06587
65.87% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 8 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 barelza grzegorz marianBAREŁA Grzegorz Marian 61 Kobiele Wielkie 70 0.05785
57.85% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 9 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 kowalski zbigniew szczepanKOWALSKI Zbigniew Szczepan 59 Babczów 0
0.00% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 10 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 majewski sylwester zygmuntMAJEWSKI Sylwester Zygmunt 39 Biestrzyków Mały 0
0.00% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 11 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 szczekocki slzawomir stanislzawSZCZEKOCKI Sławomir Stanisław 66 Przydatki Przybyszowskie 130 0.06878
68.78% Yes

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 14 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 lzazik miroslzaw feliksŁAZIK Mirosław Feliks 52 Orzechów 70 0.04667
46.67% No

List No. 17 [ Constituency no. 15 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
17 wojciechowski jacekWOJCIECHOWSKI Jacek 60 Orzechówek 103 0.06205
62.05% Yes

Elections for Wójta Gminy Kobiele Wielkie

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Votes % Elected
1. wiezckowski henrykWIĘCKOWSKI Henryk 66 średnie Kobiele Wielkie 1 409 71.92 1