Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Data
Type of committee Komitet wyborczy wyborców
Address ul. Cicha 1, 11-612 Kruklanki
Election agent Marta Piniaha
Financial agent
  • Information about candidates
  • The results of elections

Wójt Gminy Kruklanki

Number Family name and given names Age Address, party membership and endorsements
1 KŁOCZKO Bartłomiej Artur 35 Brożówka

Rada Gminy Kruklanki

Registered candidates

Details Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%) Status
Okręg nr 1 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 3 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 4 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 5 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 6 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 7 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 8 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 9 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 10 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 11 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 12 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 13 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 15 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1

Age of candidates

Details Average age Average age of women Average age of men Oldest Youngest
Okręg nr 1 36 36 36 36
Okręg nr 3 69 69 69 69
Okręg nr 4 58 58 58 58
Okręg nr 5 32 32 32 32
Okręg nr 6 33 33 33 33
Okręg nr 7 62 62 62 62
Okręg nr 8 40 40 40 40
Okręg nr 9 46 46 46 46
Okręg nr 10 53 53 53 53
Okręg nr 11 34 34 34 34
Okręg nr 12 38 38 38 38
Okręg nr 13 43 43 43 43
Okręg nr 15 41 41 41 41

Candidates list statistics

Registered candidates for councils grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 0 0 0% 0 0%
30-39 5 2 40% 3 60%
40-59 6 2 33% 4 67%
60+ 2 2 100% 0 0%
Total 13 6 46% 7 54%

Registered candidates for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a twon grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 0 0 0% 0 0%
30-39 1 0 0% 1 100%
40-59 0 0 0% 0 0%
60+ 0 0 0% 0 0%
Total 1 0 0% 1 100%

Elections to Rady Gminy Kruklanki

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 1 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 baniewski mariuszBANIEWSKI Mariusz 36 Kruklanki 64 0.06038
60.38% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 3 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 grazzzewicz barbara joannaGRAŻEWICZ Barbara Joanna 69 Kruklanki 0
0.00% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 4 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 mikulza zygmuntMIKUŁA Zygmunt 58 Kruklanki 38 0.03333
33.33% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 5 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 piniaha jerzy rafalzPINIAHA Jerzy Rafał 32 Kruklanki 72 0.06545
65.45% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 6 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 baran tomaszBARAN Tomasz 33 Kruklanki 20 0.01786
17.86% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 7 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 przylzucka tamaraPRZYŁUCKA Tamara 62 Brożówka 35 0.07143
71.43% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 8 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 zzzytlinzski zbigniewŻYTLIŃSKI Zbigniew 40 Jeziorowskie 0
0.00% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 9 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 zzzygalzlzo tomasz robertŻYGAŁŁO Tomasz Robert 46 Żabinka 47 0.06528
65.28% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 10 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 sulej dorotaSULEJ Dorota 53 Żywki 0
0.00% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 11 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 kuczynzska-andrzejczyk malwina magdalenaKUCZYŃSKA-ANDRZEJCZYK Malwina Magdalena 34 Boćwinka 67 0.08072
80.72% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 12 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 bartczak izabelaBARTCZAK Izabela 38 Sołtmany 64 0.08649
86.49% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 13 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 chmielewski wojciechCHMIELEWSKI Wojciech 43 Możdżany 56 0.07179
71.79% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 15 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 lichacz jolantaLICHACZ Jolanta 41 Jurkowo 32 0.03333
33.33% No

Elections for Wójta Gminy Kruklanki

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Votes % Elected
1. klzoczko bartlzomiej arturKŁOCZKO Bartłomiej Artur 35 wyższe Brożówka 897 69.05 1