- You are in:
- Komisarz Wyborczy w Olsztynie II
- Polska
- Województwo Warmińsko-mazurskie
- Powiat Olecki
- Gmina Kowale Oleckie
Gmina Kowale Oleckie
Details | Data |
Abbreviation of the name | KWW KRZYSZTOFA LOCMANA |
Type of committee | Komitet wyborczy wyborców |
Address | ul. Kościuszki 9, 19-420 Kowale Oleckie |
Election agent | Paulina Locman |
Financial agent | |
Website |
- Information about candidates
- The results of elections
Wójt Gminy Kowale Oleckie
Number | Family name and given names | Age | Address, party membership and endorsements |
1 | LOCMAN Krzysztof | 51 | Kowale Oleckie |
Rada Gminy Kowale Oleckie
Registered candidates
Details | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) | Status |
Okręg nr 1 | 1 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 | 100.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 10 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 11 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 12 | 1 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 | 100.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 13 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 14 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 15 | 1 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 | 100.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 2 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 3 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 4 | 1 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 | 100.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 5 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 6 | 1 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 | 100.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 7 | 1 | 1 | 100.00 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 8 | 1 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 | 100.00 | 1 |
Okręg nr 9 | 1 | 0 | 00.00 | 1 | 100.00 | 1 |
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Age of candidates
Details | Average age | Average age of women | Average age of men | Oldest | Youngest |
Okręg nr 1 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | |
Okręg nr 10 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 | |
Okręg nr 11 | 38 | 38 | 38 | 38 | |
Okręg nr 12 | 46 | 46 | 46 | 46 | |
Okręg nr 13 | 53 | 53 | 53 | 53 | |
Okręg nr 14 | 59 | 59 | 59 | 59 | |
Okręg nr 15 | 57 | 57 | 57 | 57 | |
Okręg nr 2 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | |
Okręg nr 3 | 37 | 37 | 37 | 37 | |
Okręg nr 4 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 | |
Okręg nr 5 | 52 | 52 | 52 | 52 | |
Okręg nr 6 | 58 | 58 | 58 | 58 | |
Okręg nr 7 | 49 | 49 | 49 | 49 | |
Okręg nr 8 | 53 | 53 | 53 | 53 | |
Okręg nr 9 | 54 | 54 | 54 | 54 |
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Candidates list statistics
Registered candidates for councils grouped by age and gender
Age | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) |
18-29 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
30-39 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999982 | 0.999999100% | 1.10 | 10% |
40-59 | 0.9999998713 | 0.999999946 | 0.999999538546% | 0.999999937 | 0.999999461554% |
60+ | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
Total | 0.9999998515 | 0.999999928 | 0.999999466753% | 0.999999937 | 0.999999533347% |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Registered candidates for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a twon grouped by age and gender
Age | Number of candidates | Women | Women (%) | Men | Men (%) |
18-29 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
30-39 | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
40-59 | 0.999999991 | 1.10 | 10% | 0.999999991 | 0.999999100% |
60+ | 1.10 | 1.10 | 10% | 1.10 | 10% |
Total | 0.999999991 | 1.10 | 10% | 0.999999991 | 0.999999100% |
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries
Elections to Rady Gminy Kowale Oleckie
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 1 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | szulinzski grzegorzSZULIŃSKI Grzegorz | 45 | 1.1Drozdowo | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 2 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | truchan teresaTRUCHAN Teresa | 50 | 1.1Lakiele | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 3 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | szulinzska beata justynaSZULIŃSKA Beata Justyna | 37 | 1.1Chełchy | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 4 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | koloszewski jerzyKOLOSZEWSKI Jerzy | 52 | 1.1Kowale Oleckie | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 5 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | gulbierz barbaraGULBIERZ Barbara | 52 | 1.1Kowale Oleckie | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 6 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | kosobudzki edward zdzislzawKOSOBUDZKI Edward Zdzisław | 58 | 1.1Kowale Oleckie | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 7 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | babiarz malzgorzataBABIARZ Małgorzata | 49 | 1.1Kowale Oleckie | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 8 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | miszkiel zbigniew jerzyMISZKIEL Zbigniew Jerzy | 53 | 1.1Kowale Oleckie | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 9 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | niedzzwiedzki janNIEDŹWIEDZKI Jan | 54 | 1.1Kowale Oleckie | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 10 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | sinderewicz joannaSINDEREWICZ Joanna | 52 | 1.1Monety | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 11 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | koszciesza justynaKOŚCIESZA Justyna | 38 | 1.1Stożne | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 12 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | sznel dariuszSZNEL Dariusz | 46 | 1.1Kiliany | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 13 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | szcipienz ewaŚCIPIEŃ Ewa | 53 | 1.1Stacze | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 14 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | obuchowska wandaOBUCHOWSKA Wanda | 59 | 1.1Sokółki | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
List No. 14 [ Constituency no. 15 ]
Number in the list | Family name and given names | Age | Address | Number of valid votes cast for a candidate | % of valid votes | Mandate | |
14 | baranowski henrykBARANOWSKI Henryk | 57 | 1.1Jabłonowo | 1.1 | 0 |
0.00% | Yes |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
Elections for Wójta Gminy Kowale Oleckie
No. | Family name and given names | Age | Education | Address, party membership and endorsements | Number of valid votes cast for the candidate | Votes % | Elected |
1. | locman krzysztofLOCMAN Krzysztof | 51 | wyższe techniczne | 1.1Kowale Oleckie | 1.1 | 0.00 | 1 |
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries