Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Details Data
Abbreviation of the name KWW PRZYJAZNA GMINA POCZESNA
Type of committee Komitet wyborczy wyborców
Address ul. Długa 86, 42-262 Zawodzie
Election agent Szczepan Szumera
Financial agent
  • Information about candidates
  • The results of elections

Wójt Gminy Poczesna

Number Family name and given names Age Address, party membership and endorsements
1 CHĄDZYŃSKI Robert Franciszek 44 Poczesna

Rada Gminy Poczesna

Registered candidates

Details Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%) Status
Okręg nr 1 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 2 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 3 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 4 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 5 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 6 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 7 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 8 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 9 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 11 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 12 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 13 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 14 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 15 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1

Age of candidates

Details Average age Average age of women Average age of men Oldest Youngest
Okręg nr 1 39 39 39 39
Okręg nr 2 22 22 22 22
Okręg nr 3 42 42 42 42
Okręg nr 4 33 33 33 33
Okręg nr 5 41 41 41 41
Okręg nr 6 37 37 37 37
Okręg nr 7 47 47 47 47
Okręg nr 8 38 38 38 38
Okręg nr 9 54 54 54 54
Okręg nr 11 57 57 57 57
Okręg nr 12 58 58 58 58
Okręg nr 13 39 39 39 39
Okręg nr 14 42 42 42 42
Okręg nr 15 35 35 35 35

Candidates list statistics

Registered candidates for councils grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 1 0 0% 1 100%
30-39 6 2 33% 4 67%
40-59 7 4 57% 3 43%
60+ 0 0 0% 0 0%
Total 14 6 43% 8 57%

Registered candidates for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a twon grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 0 0 0% 0 0%
30-39 0 0 0% 0 0%
40-59 1 0 0% 1 100%
60+ 0 0 0% 0 0%
Total 1 0 0% 1 100%

Elections to Rady Gminy Poczesna

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 1 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 pietrzak agnieszka dorotaPIETRZAK Agnieszka Dorota 39 Kolonia Poczesna 303 0.05861
58.61% Yes

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 2 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 pawlik dawid mariuszPAWLIK Dawid Mariusz 22 Nowa Wieś 101 0.02988
29.88% No

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 3 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 szumera lzukasz mariaSZUMERA Łukasz Maria 42 Poczesna 219 0.0529
52.90% Yes

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 4 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 kolzodziej mateusz marekKOŁODZIEJ Mateusz Marek 33 Zawodzie 245 0.04623
46.23% Yes

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 5 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 sosna artur wieslzawSOSNA Artur Wiesław 41 Nierada 140 0.03857
38.57% Yes

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 6 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 strazk lzukasz michalzSTRĄK Łukasz Michał 37 Nierada 119 0.03075
30.75% No

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 7 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 szliwakowska joanna ewaŚLIWAKOWSKA Joanna Ewa 47 Korwinów 67 0.02607
26.07% No

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 8 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 lzagodzinzski lzukasz patrykŁAGODZIŃSKI Łukasz Patryk 38 Słowik 64 0.01458
14.58% No

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 9 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 sznober anna mariaSZNOBER Anna Maria 54 Huta Stara B 141 0.02831
28.31% No

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 11 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 delczyk alicja wandaDELCZYK Alicja Wanda 57 Huta Stara B 97 0.03593
35.93% No

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 12 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 lzyko alicja mariaŁYKO Alicja Maria 58 Brzeziny Kolonia 241 0.03964
39.64% Yes

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 13 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 dobosz rafalz miroslzawDOBOSZ Rafał Mirosław 39 Wrzosowa 115 0.02764
27.64% No

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 14 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 kozzzuch dariusz tadeuszKOŻUCH Dariusz Tadeusz 42 Wrzosowa 104 0.02144
21.44% No

List No. 20 [ Constituency no. 15 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
20 kulawik marta annaKULAWIK Marta Anna 35 Bargły 101 0.02945
29.45% No

Elections for Wójta Gminy Poczesna

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Votes % Elected
1. chazdzynzski robert franciszekCHĄDZYŃSKI Robert Franciszek 44 wyższe Poczesna 1 865 30.44