Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Data
Abbreviation of the name KWW STRAŻAK
Type of committee Komitet wyborczy wyborców
Address Kolejowa 26, 17-250 Kleszczele
Election agent Krzysztof Lange
Financial agent
  • Information about candidates
  • The results of elections

Burmistrz Kleszczel

Number Family name and given names Age Address, party membership and endorsements
2 SIELICKI Aleksander 62 Kleszczele

Rada Miejska w Kleszczelach

Registered candidates

Details Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%) Status
Okręg nr 1 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 2 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 3 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 4 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 5 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 6 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 7 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 8 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 9 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 10 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 11 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 12 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 13 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1
Okręg nr 14 1 1 100.00 0 00.00 1
Okręg nr 15 1 0 00.00 1 100.00 1

Age of candidates

Details Average age Average age of women Average age of men Oldest Youngest
Okręg nr 1 31 31 31 31
Okręg nr 2 38 38 38 38
Okręg nr 3 32 32 32 32
Okręg nr 4 57 57 57 57
Okręg nr 5 50 50 50 50
Okręg nr 6 61 61 61 61
Okręg nr 7 48 48 48 48
Okręg nr 8 78 78 78 78
Okręg nr 9 43 43 43 43
Okręg nr 10 53 53 53 53
Okręg nr 11 40 40 40 40
Okręg nr 12 58 58 58 58
Okręg nr 13 68 68 68 68
Okręg nr 14 38 38 38 38
Okręg nr 15 56 56 56 56

Candidates list statistics

Registered candidates for councils grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 0 0 0% 0 0%
30-39 4 2 50% 2 50%
40-59 8 1 13% 7 88%
60+ 3 0 0% 3 100%
Total 15 3 20% 12 80%

Registered candidates for the head of the commune, mayor, president of a twon grouped by age and gender

Age Number of candidates Women Women (%) Men Men (%)
18-29 0 0 0% 0 0%
30-39 0 0 0% 0 0%
40-59 0 0 0% 0 0%
60+ 1 0 0% 1 100%
Total 1 0 0% 1 100%

Elections to Rady Miejskiej w Kleszczelach

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 1 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 kazimieruk aleksanderKAZIMIERUK Aleksander 31 Suchowolce 40 0.0597
59.70% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 2 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 borona lzukaszBORONA Łukasz 38 Saki 31 0.04844
48.44% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 3 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 dermiaha ewaDERMIAHA Ewa 32 Zaleszany 18 0.02169
21.69% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 4 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 artysiewicz dymitrARTYSIEWICZ Dymitr 57 Dobrowoda 76 0.07037
70.37% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 5 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 pietrzak renata martaPIETRZAK Renata Marta 50 Policzna 41 0.03905
39.05% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 6 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 lzempicki marianŁEMPICKI Marian 61 Gruzka 29 0.04328
43.28% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 7 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 martynowicz marekMARTYNOWICZ Marek 48 Dasze 55 0.05189
51.89% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 8 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 roszczenko aleksyROSZCZENKO Aleksy 78 Kleszczele 36 0.05625
56.25% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 9 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 polak januszPOLAK Janusz 43 Kleszczele 57 0.057
57.00% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 10 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 lange krzysztofLANGE Krzysztof 53 Kleszczele 28 0.04444
44.44% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 11 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 kasjaniuk arturKASJANIUK Artur 40 Kleszczele 35 0.03431
34.31% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 12 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 szmuksta janSZMUKSTA Jan 58 Kleszczele 43 0.06143
61.43% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 13 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 juzzwiuk eugeniuszJUŹWIUK Eugeniusz 68 Kleszczele 30 0.04545
45.45% No

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 14 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 witoszko katarzynaWITOSZKO Katarzyna 38 Kleszczele 42 0.05833
58.33% Yes

List No. 16 [ Constituency no. 15 ]

Number in the list Family name and given names Age Address Number of valid votes cast for a candidate % of valid votes Mandate
16 glzadzki jerzyGŁADZKI Jerzy 56 Kleszczele 56 0.05234
52.34% Yes

Elections for Burmistrza Kleszczel

No. Family name and given names Age Education Address, party membership and endorsements Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Votes % Elected
1. sielicki aleksanderSIELICKI Aleksander 62 wyższe Kleszczele 757 61.10 1