Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Number of
Inhabitants 6 086
Voters 4 765
Delivered ballot paper 3 109
Number of polling districts 7
Turnout 65.25%
  • 51.69%

  • 53.20%

  • 54.70%

  • 56.21%

  • 57.72%

  • 59.22%

  • 60.73%

  • 62.24%

  • 63.74%

  • 65.25%

Details Number of
Inhabitants 6 086
Voters 4 764
Delivered ballot paper 2 324
Number of polling districts 7
Turnout 48.78%
  • 39.57%

  • 40.73%

  • 41.89%

  • 43.04%

  • 44.20%

  • 45.36%

  • 46.52%

  • 47.67%

  • 48.83%

  • 49.99%

Details Number of
Inhabitants 6 086
Voters 4 763
Delivered ballot paper 788
Number of polling districts 7
Turnout 16.54%
  • 13.41%

  • 13.88%

  • 14.35%

  • 14.82%

  • 15.29%

  • 15.77%

  • 16.24%

  • 16.71%

  • 17.18%

  • 17.65%

  • Frekwencja końcowa en
  • 17:00
  • 12:00

Frekwencja końcowa en

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
gm. baranozwgm. Baranów 6 281 4 060 6 6 64.64% 0.06464
gm. bralingm. Bralin 4 765 3 109 7 7 65.25% 0.06525
gm. kezpnogm. Kępno 19 384 11 732 17 17 60.52% 0.06052
gm. lzezka opatowskagm. Łęka Opatowska 4 149 2 629 3 3 63.36% 0.06336
gm. perzozwgm. Perzów 3 050 1 640 3 3 53.77% 0.05377
gm. rychtalgm. Rychtal 3 128 1 871 4 4 59.81% 0.05981
gm. trzcinicagm. Trzcinica 3 927 2 030 3 3 51.69% 0.05169

Turnout 17:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
gm. baranozwgm. Baranów 6 282 3 075 6 6 48.95% 0.04895
gm. bralingm. Bralin 4 764 2 324 7 7 48.78% 0.04878
gm. kezpnogm. Kępno 19 284 8 800 17 15 45.63% 0.04563
gm. lzezka opatowskagm. Łęka Opatowska 4 153 2 076 3 3 49.99% 0.04999
gm. perzozwgm. Perzów 3 050 1 207 3 3 39.57% 0.03957
gm. rychtalgm. Rychtal 3 128 1 438 4 4 45.97% 0.04597
gm. trzcinicagm. Trzcinica 3 927 1 554 3 3 39.57% 0.03957

Turnout 12:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
gm. baranozwgm. Baranów 6 281 946 6 6 15.06% 0.01506
gm. bralingm. Bralin 4 763 788 7 7 16.54% 0.01654
gm. kezpnogm. Kępno 19 382 3 027 17 15 15.62% 0.01562
gm. lzezka opatowskagm. Łęka Opatowska 4 153 733 3 3 17.65% 0.01765
gm. perzozwgm. Perzów 3 050 409 3 3 13.41% 0.01341
gm. rychtalgm. Rychtal 3 128 541 4 4 17.30% 0.0173
gm. trzcinicagm. Trzcinica 3 927 527 3 3 13.42% 0.01342