Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Number of
Inhabitants 5 533
Voters 4 389
Delivered ballot paper 2 684
Number of polling districts 6
Turnout 61.15%
  • 51.02%

  • 52.90%

  • 54.79%

  • 56.67%

  • 58.55%

  • 60.44%

  • 62.32%

  • 64.20%

  • 66.09%

  • 67.97%

Details Number of
Inhabitants 5 533
Voters 4 389
Delivered ballot paper 2 189
Number of polling districts 6
Turnout 49.87%
  • 38.53%

  • 40.51%

  • 42.49%

  • 44.46%

  • 46.44%

  • 48.42%

  • 50.40%

  • 52.37%

  • 54.35%

  • 56.33%

Details Number of
Inhabitants 5 533
Voters 4 389
Delivered ballot paper 871
Number of polling districts 6
Turnout 19.85%
  • 11.10%

  • 12.31%

  • 13.51%

  • 14.72%

  • 15.93%

  • 17.13%

  • 18.34%

  • 19.55%

  • 20.75%

  • 21.96%

  • Frekwencja końcowa en
  • 17:00
  • 12:00

Frekwencja końcowa en

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. redam. Reda 18 487 9 815 9 9 53.09% 0.05309
m. rumiam. Rumia 36 918 21 647 21 21 58.64% 0.05864
m. wejherowom. Wejherowo 36 333 20 148 21 21 55.45% 0.05545
gm. choczewogm. Choczewo 4 389 2 684 6 6 61.15% 0.06115
gm. gniewinogm. Gniewino 5 469 2 831 7 7 51.76% 0.05176
gm. liniagm. Linia 4 677 3 179 4 4 67.97% 0.06797
gm. luzinogm. Luzino 11 419 5 970 7 7 52.28% 0.05228
gm. lzezczycegm. Łęczyce 8 833 4 507 9 9 51.02% 0.05102
gm. szemudgm. Szemud 12 740 7 679 7 7 60.27% 0.06027
gm. wejherowogm. Wejherowo 18 162 9 846 14 14 54.21% 0.05421

Turnout 17:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. redam. Reda 18 467 7 115 9 9 38.53% 0.03853
m. rumiam. Rumia 36 889 16 626 21 21 45.07% 0.04507
m. wejherowom. Wejherowo 35 894 15 320 21 17 42.68% 0.04268
gm. choczewogm. Choczewo 4 389 2 189 6 6 49.87% 0.04987
gm. gniewinogm. Gniewino 5 397 2 305 7 5 42.71% 0.04271
gm. liniagm. Linia 4 681 2 637 4 4 56.33% 0.05633
gm. luzinogm. Luzino 11 420 4 568 7 7 40.00% 0.04
gm. lzezczycegm. Łęczyce 8 826 3 418 9 9 38.73% 0.03873
gm. szemudgm. Szemud 12 739 6 029 7 7 47.33% 0.04733
gm. wejherowogm. Wejherowo 18 169 7 646 14 14 42.08% 0.04208

Turnout 12:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. redam. Reda 18 467 2 049 9 9 11.10% 0.0111
m. rumiam. Rumia 36 809 6 113 21 21 16.61% 0.01661
m. wejherowom. Wejherowo 35 943 5 344 21 17 14.87% 0.01487
gm. choczewogm. Choczewo 4 389 871 6 6 19.85% 0.01985
gm. gniewinogm. Gniewino 5 396 913 7 5 16.92% 0.01692
gm. liniagm. Linia 4 681 1 028 4 4 21.96% 0.02196
gm. luzinogm. Luzino 11 420 1 885 7 7 16.51% 0.01651
gm. lzezczycegm. Łęczyce 8 826 1 241 9 9 14.06% 0.01406
gm. szemudgm. Szemud 12 739 2 023 7 7 15.88% 0.01588
gm. wejherowogm. Wejherowo 18 167 2 774 14 14 15.27% 0.01527