Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Number of
Inhabitants 7 335
Voters 5 845
Delivered ballot paper 3 389
Number of polling districts 9
Turnout 57.98%
  • 52.66%

  • 53.63%

  • 54.60%

  • 55.57%

  • 56.54%

  • 57.50%

  • 58.47%

  • 59.44%

  • 60.41%

  • 61.38%

Details Number of
Inhabitants 7 335
Voters 5 841
Delivered ballot paper 2 816
Number of polling districts 9
Turnout 48.21%
  • 40.52%

  • 41.73%

  • 42.94%

  • 44.15%

  • 45.36%

  • 46.58%

  • 47.79%

  • 49.00%

  • 50.21%

  • 51.42%

Details Number of
Inhabitants 7 335
Voters 5 841
Delivered ballot paper 1 225
Number of polling districts 9
Turnout 20.97%
  • 18.04%

  • 18.80%

  • 19.56%

  • 20.33%

  • 21.09%

  • 21.85%

  • 22.61%

  • 23.38%

  • 24.14%

  • 24.90%

  • Frekwencja końcowa en
  • 17:00
  • 12:00

Frekwencja końcowa en

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
gm. iwierzycegm. Iwierzyce 6 186 3 797 9 9 61.38% 0.06138
gm. ostrozwgm. Ostrów 5 845 3 389 9 9 57.98% 0.05798
gm. ropczycegm. Ropczyce 21 665 11 809 23 23 54.51% 0.05451
gm. sezdziszozw malzopolskigm. Sędziszów Małopolski 18 954 9 981 23 23 52.66% 0.05266
gm. wielopole skrzynzskiegm. Wielopole Skrzyńskie 6 498 3 895 5 5 59.94% 0.05994

Turnout 17:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
gm. iwierzycegm. Iwierzyce 6 170 2 909 9 9 47.15% 0.04715
gm. ostrozwgm. Ostrów 5 841 2 816 9 9 48.21% 0.04821
gm. ropczycegm. Ropczyce 21 664 9 183 23 23 42.39% 0.04239
gm. sezdziszozw malzopolskigm. Sędziszów Małopolski 18 768 7 604 23 21 40.52% 0.04052
gm. wielopole skrzynzskiegm. Wielopole Skrzyńskie 6 497 3 341 5 5 51.42% 0.05142

Turnout 12:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
gm. iwierzycegm. Iwierzyce 6 169 1 373 9 9 22.26% 0.02226
gm. ostrozwgm. Ostrów 5 841 1 225 9 9 20.97% 0.02097
gm. ropczycegm. Ropczyce 21 664 4 016 23 23 18.54% 0.01854
gm. sezdziszozw malzopolskigm. Sędziszów Małopolski 18 768 3 386 23 21 18.04% 0.01804
gm. wielopole skrzynzskiegm. Wielopole Skrzyńskie 6 342 1 579 5 5 24.90% 0.0249