Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Number of
Inhabitants 11 683
Voters 9 280
Delivered ballot paper 5 088
Number of polling districts 8
Turnout 54.83%
  • 48.18%

  • 49.62%

  • 51.06%

  • 52.50%

  • 53.94%

  • 55.39%

  • 56.83%

  • 58.27%

  • 59.71%

  • 61.15%

Details Number of
Inhabitants 11 683
Voters 9 267
Delivered ballot paper 4 044
Number of polling districts 8
Turnout 43.64%
  • 34.77%

  • 36.21%

  • 37.64%

  • 39.08%

  • 40.52%

  • 41.95%

  • 43.39%

  • 44.83%

  • 46.26%

  • 47.70%

Details Number of
Inhabitants 11 683
Voters 9 267
Delivered ballot paper 1 817
Number of polling districts 8
Turnout 19.61%
  • 14.99%

  • 15.78%

  • 16.58%

  • 17.37%

  • 18.17%

  • 18.96%

  • 19.76%

  • 20.55%

  • 21.35%

  • 22.14%

  • Frekwencja końcowa en
  • 17:00
  • 12:00

Frekwencja końcowa en

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. lzanzcutm. Łańcut 14 397 7 799 14 14 54.17% 0.05417
gm. bialzobrzegigm. Białobrzegi 6 796 3 274 5 5 48.18% 0.04818
gm. czarnagm. Czarna 9 280 5 088 8 8 54.83% 0.05483
gm. lzanzcutgm. Łańcut 17 089 10 026 13 13 58.67% 0.05867
gm. markowagm. Markowa 5 244 2 972 4 4 56.67% 0.05667
gm. rakszawagm. Rakszawa 5 845 3 430 7 7 58.68% 0.05868
gm. zzzolzyniagm. Żołynia 5 565 3 403 5 5 61.15% 0.06115

Turnout 17:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. lzanzcutm. Łańcut 14 277 5 815 14 12 40.73% 0.04073
gm. bialzobrzegigm. Białobrzegi 6 791 2 361 5 5 34.77% 0.03477
gm. czarnagm. Czarna 9 267 4 044 8 8 43.64% 0.04364
gm. lzanzcutgm. Łańcut 17 060 7 514 13 13 44.04% 0.04404
gm. markowagm. Markowa 5 244 2 301 4 4 43.88% 0.04388
gm. rakszawagm. Rakszawa 5 841 2 677 7 7 45.83% 0.04583
gm. zzzolzyniagm. Żołynia 5 564 2 654 5 5 47.70% 0.0477

Turnout 12:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. lzanzcutm. Łańcut 14 277 2 386 14 12 16.71% 0.01671
gm. bialzobrzegigm. Białobrzegi 6 800 1 019 5 5 14.99% 0.01499
gm. czarnagm. Czarna 9 267 1 817 8 8 19.61% 0.01961
gm. lzanzcutgm. Łańcut 17 060 3 151 13 13 18.47% 0.01847
gm. markowagm. Markowa 5 242 945 4 4 18.03% 0.01803
gm. rakszawagm. Rakszawa 5 851 1 107 7 7 18.92% 0.01892
gm. zzzolzyniagm. Żołynia 5 564 1 232 5 5 22.14% 0.02214