Miasto Biała Podlaska
Details | Number of |
Inhabitants | 0.9994400955 991 |
Voters | 0.9995433545 665 |
Delivered ballot paper | 0.9997610123 899 |
Number of polling districts | 0.9999997129 |
Turnout | 52.34% |
Miasto Biała Podlaska
Details | Number of |
Inhabitants | 0.9994400955 991 |
Voters | 0.9995481245 188 |
Delivered ballot paper | 0.9998231317 687 |
Number of polling districts | 0.9999997129 |
Turnout | 39.14% |
Miasto Biała Podlaska
Details | Number of |
Inhabitants | 0.9994400955 991 |
Voters | 0.9995478945 211 |
Delivered ballot paper | 0.999930166 984 |
Number of polling districts | 0.9999997129 |
Turnout | 15.45% |