Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


  • Logo KBW
Details Number of
Inhabitants 102 342
Voters 87 606
Delivered ballot paper 42 014
Number of polling districts 62
Turnout 47.96%
Details Number of
Inhabitants 102 342
Voters 86 725
Delivered ballot paper 32 386
Number of polling districts 62
Turnout 37.34%
Details Number of
Inhabitants 102 342
Voters 86 714
Delivered ballot paper 12 099
Number of polling districts 62
Turnout 13.95%
  • Frekwencja końcowa en
  • 17:00
  • 12:00

Frekwencja końcowa en

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. walzbrzychm. Wałbrzych 87 606 42 014 62 62 47.96% 0.04796

Turnout 17:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. walzbrzychm. Wałbrzych 86 725 32 386 62 57 37.34% 0.03734

Turnout 12:00

Communes Number of voters Delivered ballot paper Number of polling districts Number of precincts data obtained from Turnout
m. walzbrzychm. Wałbrzych 86 714 12 099 62 57 13.95% 0.01395