Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Information about candidate ŁAWNICZAK Andrzej Stanisław

Family name and given names Age Address Endorsement Constituency number Content of a lustration statement
ŁAWNICZAK Andrzej Stanisław 55 Skalmierzyce 4
  • The results of elections for the council of the county

The results of elections for the council of the county

Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Percentage of valid votes in a constituency Number of votes cast for the list Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes for the list Mandate
734 11.49% 1 897 38.69% No

Voting results in constituency No 4 in the division into polling districts

No. Address Number of votes Percentage of valid votes Number of votes cast for the list Percentage of votes on the list
Gmina I Miasto Nowe Skalmierzyce 734 11.49% 1 897 38.69% 0.03869
1 Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Kaliska 52 Nowe Skalmierzyce 123 11.19% 236 52.12% 0.05212
2 Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Okólna 8 Nowe Skalmierzyce 104 11.13% 212 49.06% 0.04906
3 Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Ostrowska 16 Skalmierzyce 221 20.58% 372 59.41% 0.05941
4 Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Ostrowska 16 Skalmierzyce 73 10.53% 168 43.45% 0.04345
5 Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Szkolna 7 Biskupice Ołoboczne 20 4.45% 273 7.33% 0.00733
6 Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Szkolna 56 Fabianów 28 5.32% 167 16.77% 0.01677
7 Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Kaliska 4 Kotowiecko 16 6.61% 60 26.67% 0.02667
8 Szkoła Podstawowa, 21 Droszew 42 6.91% 131 32.06% 0.03206
9 Szkoła Podstawowa, 48 Gostyczyna 107 14.06% 278 38.49% 0.03849