Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Information about candidate KIELAK Jerzy

Family name and given names Age Address Endorsement Constituency number Content of a lustration statement
KIELAK Jerzy 59 Kraszewo 2
  • The results of elections for the council of the county

The results of elections for the council of the county

Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Percentage of valid votes in a constituency Number of votes cast for the list Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes for the list Mandate
309 8.60% 893 34.60% Yes

Voting results in constituency No 2 in the division into polling districts

No. Address Number of votes Percentage of valid votes Number of votes cast for the list Percentage of votes on the list
Powiat Lidzbarski 309 8.60% 893 34.60% 0.0346
Gmina Lidzbark Warmiński 290 13.30% 554 52.35% 0.05235
1 Urząd Gminy, ul. Krasickiego 1 Lidzbark Warmiński 31 5.94% 75 41.33% 0.04133
2 Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa, 2 Kraszewo 128 34.41% 140 91.43% 0.09143
3 Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa, 7 Kłębowo 38 11.84% 58 65.52% 0.06552
4 Świetlica wiejska, 19A Rogóż 9 3.24% 77 11.69% 0.01169
5 Świetlica wiejska, 41A Runowo 24 9.68% 56 42.86% 0.04286
6 Świetlica wiejska, 13 Babiak 14 9.86% 24 58.33% 0.05833
7 Świetlica wiejska, 17 Kochanówka 39 28.89% 49 79.59% 0.07959
8 Świetlica wiejska w Łaniewie, 79 Łaniewo 7 4.29% 75 9.33% 0.00933
Gmina Kiwity 19 1.35% 339 5.60% 0.0056
1 Świetlica Wiejska w Kiwitach, 2 Kiwity 2 0.48% 109 1.83% 0.00183
2 Filia Szkoły Podstawowej w Kiwitach z siedzibą w Żegotach, 91 Żegoty 7 1.79% 65 10.77% 0.01077
3 Niepubliczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Krekolach, 36 Krekole 4 1.34% 97 4.12% 0.00412
4 Świetlica Wiejska w Stoczku, 31 Stoczek 6 1.96% 68 8.82% 0.00882