Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Information about candidate KUDZIA Artur Andrzej

Family name and given names Age Address Endorsement Content of a lustration statement
  • The results of voting and elections for the head of the commune
  • The results of repeat voting and elections for the head of the commune

The results of voting and elections for the head of the commune

Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Percentage of valid votes Mandate
1309 29.33% Second round
No. Address Number of votes Percentage of valid votes
Gmina Jordanów 1 309 29.33%
1 Szkoła Podstawowa, 286 Łętownia 332 29.46%
2 Szkoła Podstawowa, 378 Naprawa 212 26.57%
3 Szkoła Podstawowa, 440 Osielec 207 32.96%
4 Szkoła Podstawowa, 440 Osielec 258 36.29%
5 Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, 250 Toporzysko 143 17.11%
6 Szkoła Podstawowa, 42 Wysoka 152 46.20%
7 Dom Pomocy Społecznej, 353 Łętownia 5 14.71%

The results of repeat voting and elections for the head of the commune

Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Percentage of valid votes Mandate
2130 61.51% Yes
No. Address Number of votes Percentage of valid votes
Gmina Jordanów 2 130 61.51%
1 Szkoła Podstawowa, 286 Łętownia 620 72.43%
2 Szkoła Podstawowa, 378 Naprawa 339 66.34%
3 Szkoła Podstawowa, 440 Osielec 394 75.77%
4 Szkoła Podstawowa, 440 Osielec 401 71.99%
5 Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, 250 Toporzysko 181 24.66%
6 Szkoła Podstawowa, 42 Wysoka 189 72.41%
7 Dom Pomocy Społecznej, 353 Łętownia 6 25.00%