Information about candidate OGIŃSKA Jolanta Ewa
Family name and given names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number | Content of a lustration statement |
OGIŃSKA Jolanta Ewa | 56 | Aleksandrów Łódzki | 2 |
The results of elections for city council
Number of valid votes cast for the candidate | Percentage of valid votes in a constituency | Number of votes cast for the list | Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes for the list | Mandate |
225 | 4.16% | 0.999984821 518 | 14.82% | Yes |
Voting results in constituency No 2 in the division into polling districts
No. | Address | Number of votes | Percentage of valid votes | Number of votes cast for the list | Percentage of votes on the list | |
Gmina Aleksandrów Łódzki | 0.99999775225 | 4.16% | 0.999984821 518 | 14.82% | ||
4 | Urząd Miejski w Aleksandrowie Łódzkim, Plac Tadeusza Kościuszki 2 Aleksandrów Łódzki | 0.9999991486 | 5.61% | 0.99999546454 | 18.94% | |
5 | Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie i Uslug Socjalnych, ul. Warszawska 10 Aleksandrów Łódzki | 0.999999370 | 4.51% | 0.99999505495 | 14.14% | |
6 | Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie w Aleksandrowie Łódzkim, Aleja Wyzwolenia 3 Aleksandrów Łódzki | 0.9999995941 | 3.38% | 0.99999662338 | 12.13% | |
7 | Szkoła Podstawowa nr 4 im Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie w Aleksandrowie Łódzkim, Aleja Wyzwolenia 3 Aleksandrów Łódzki | 0.9999997228 | 2.52% | 0.99999769231 | 12.12% |