Information about candidate PIETRUSZKA Andrzej Krzysztof
Family name and given names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number | Content of a lustration statement |
PIETRUSZKA Andrzej Krzysztof | 60 | Grabów | 3 |
- The results of elections for the council of the county
The results of elections for the council of the county
Number of valid votes cast for the candidate | Percentage of valid votes in a constituency | Number of votes cast for the list | Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes for the list | Mandate |
372 | 8.13% | 0.99998471 530 | 24.31% | Yes |
Voting results in constituency No 3 in the division into polling districts
No. | Address | Number of votes | Percentage of valid votes | Number of votes cast for the list | Percentage of votes on the list | |
Powiat Łęczycki | 0.99999628372 | 8.13% | 0.99998471 530 | 24.31% | 0.02431 |
Gmina Grabów | 0.99999673327 | 11.90% | 0.999989681 032 | 31.69% | 0.03169 |
1 | Szkoła Podstawowa, 8 Chorki | 0.999999460 | 16.22% | 0.99999811189 | 31.75% | 0.03175 |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa, 31 Stara Sobótka | 0.9999994852 | 10.38% | 0.99999866134 | 38.81% | 0.03881 |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, 22 Kadzidłowa | 0.9999998713 | 7.69% | 0.999999550 | 26.00% | 0.026 |
4 | Remiza OSP, 15 Besiekiery | 0.9999996634 | 9.44% | 0.99999881119 | 28.57% | 0.02857 |
5 | Remiza OSP, 36 Byszew | 0.9999996139 | 17.18% | 0.99999884116 | 33.62% | 0.03362 |
6 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Jana Kochanowskiego 2 Grabów | 0.9999991684 | 14.81% | 0.99999848152 | 55.26% | 0.05526 |
7 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Jana Kochanowskiego 2 Grabów | 0.9999995545 | 8.11% | 0.99999728272 | 16.54% | 0.01654 |
Gmina Świnice Warckie | 0.9999995545 | 2.47% | 0.99999502498 | 9.04% | 0.00904 |
1 | Sala OSP, 10a Chwalborzyce | 0.999999946 | 2.05% | 0.9999994258 | 10.34% | 0.01034 |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa w Świnicach Warckich, ul. Szkolna 5 Świnice Warckie | 0.9999998515 | 2.06% | 0.99999769231 | 6.49% | 0.00649 |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, 23 Piaski | 0.9999998317 | 3.74% | 0.99999891109 | 15.60% | 0.0156 |
4 | Sala OSP, 14 Grodzisko | 0.999999937 | 2.00% | 0.999999100 | 7.00% | 0.007 |