Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Information about candidate TURSKA Marta Katarzyna

Family name and given names Age Address Endorsement Constituency number Content of a lustration statement
TURSKA Marta Katarzyna 34 Warszawa 2
  • Results of elections to District Council

Results of elections to District Council

Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Percentage of valid votes in a constituency Number of votes cast for the list Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes for the list Mandate
617 6.01% 4 544 13.58% Yes

Voting results in constituency No 2 in the division into polling districts

No. Address Number of votes Percentage of valid votes Number of votes cast for the list Percentage of votes on the list
Dzielnica Wawer M. St. Warszawy 617 6.01% 4 544 13.58% 0.01358
508 Siedziba Rady Osiedla "Sadul", ul. Lucerny 110 Wawer, Sadul 77 5.37% 510 15.10% 0.0151
509 Biblioteka Publiczna w Dzielnicy Wawer, ul. Błękitna 32 Wawer, Wawer 38 5.14% 242 15.70% 0.0157
510 (Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 86) wejście od ul. Wichrowej, ul. Koryncka 33 Wawer, Wawer 93 7.07% 497 18.71% 0.01871
511 (Wawerskie Centrum Kultury Filia "Zastów"), ul. Lucerny 13 Wawer, Borków 33 3.29% 410 8.05% 0.00805
512 (Szkoła Podstawowa nr 109), ul. Przygodna 2 Wawer, Borków 147 8.56% 920 15.98% 0.01598
513 (Szkoła Podstawowa nr 109), ul. Przygodna 2 Wawer, Kuligów 140 7.95% 919 15.23% 0.01523
514 (Młodzieżowy Ośodek Socjoterapii "Dom Na Trakcie"), ul. Trakt Lubelski 40 Wawer, Kuligów 37 3.78% 488 7.58% 0.00758
515 Zespół Szkół Prywatnych), ul. Wał Miedzeszyński 141 Wawer, Julianów 52 3.94% 558 9.32% 0.00932