Local government elections 2018

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  • Local government elections
    The Republic of Poland


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Information about candidate KLUDYS Józef

Family name and given names Age Address Endorsement Constituency number Content of a lustration statement
KLUDYS Józef 50 Wola Zarczycka 3
  • The results of elections for city council

The results of elections for city council

Number of valid votes cast for the candidate Percentage of valid votes in a constituency Number of votes cast for the list Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes for the list Mandate
270 8.16% 1 201 22.48% Yes

Voting results in constituency No 3 in the division into polling districts

No. Address Number of votes Percentage of valid votes Number of votes cast for the list Percentage of votes on the list
Miasto I Gmina Nowa Sarzyna 270 8.16% 1 201 22.48% 0.02248
11 Szkoła Podstawowa im. Prymasa Tysiąclecia w Woli Zarczyckiej, 128 Wola Zarczycka 32 4.06% 331 9.67% 0.00967
12 Szkoła Podstawowa im. Prymasa Tysiąclecia w Woli Zarczyckiej, 128 Wola Zarczycka 236 23.98% 500 47.20% 0.0472
13 Szkoła Podstawowa w Wólce Łętowskiej, 4 Wólka Łętowska 1 0.36% 233 0.43% 0.00043
14 Szkoła Podstawowa im. św. Jana Pawła II w Łętowni, 286 Łętownia 0 0.00% 94 0.00% 0
15 Szkoła Podstawowa im. św. Jana Pawła II w Łętowni, 118 Łętownia 0 0.00% 2 0.00% 0
16 Filia Ośrodka Kultury w sołectwie Gościniec, 510 a Łętownia 1 0.39% 41 2.44% 0.00244