Information about candidate DUDEK Elżbieta Urszula
Family name and given names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number | Content of a lustration statement |
DUDEK Elżbieta Urszula | 58 | Rawicz | 2 |
The results of elections for city council
Number of valid votes cast for the candidate | Percentage of valid votes in a constituency | Number of votes cast for the list | Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes for the list | Mandate |
94 | 2.61% | 0.999983061 694 | 5.55% | No |
Voting results in constituency No 2 in the division into polling districts
No. | Address | Number of votes | Percentage of valid votes | Number of votes cast for the list | Percentage of votes on the list | |
Gmina Rawicz | 0.9999990694 | 2.61% | 0.999983061 694 | 5.55% | ||
7 | Przedszkole Nr 6 w Rawiczu, ul. Mikołajewicza 23 Rawicz | 0.999999730 | 3.37% | 0.99999611389 | 7.71% | |
8 | Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 4 w Rawiczu, ul. Broniewskiego 5 Rawicz | 0.9999998119 | 2.14% | 0.99999531469 | 4.05% | |
9 | Dom Kultury w Rawiczu, ul. Targowa 1 Rawicz | 0.999999937 | 1.10% | 0.99999725275 | 2.55% | |
11 | Budynek Oświatowy w Rawiczu, ul. Szarych Szeregów 3 Rawicz | 0.9999998614 | 2.76% | 0.99999772228 | 6.14% | |
12 | Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny Nr 1 w Rawiczu, ul. Mickiewicza 16 Rawicz | 0.9999997624 | 3.60% | 0.99999668332 | 7.23% | |
20 | Zakład Karny w Rawiczu, 17 Stycznia 28 Rawicz | 1.10 | 0.00% | 0.999999991 | 0.00% |