Information about candidate PRZYBYSZ-PIETRZAK Magdalena Władysława
Family name and given names | Age | Address | Endorsement | Constituency number | Content of a lustration statement |
PRZYBYSZ-PIETRZAK Magdalena Władysława | 36 | Godkowo | 4 |
The results of elections for the council of the county
Number of valid votes cast for the candidate | Percentage of valid votes in a constituency | Number of votes cast for the list | Percentage of votes cast for the candidate in relation to the votes for the list | Mandate |
225 | 5.13% | 0.99999614386 | 58.29% | No |
Voting results in constituency No 4 in the division into polling districts
No. | Address | Number of votes | Percentage of valid votes | Number of votes cast for the list | Percentage of votes on the list | |
Powiat Elbląski | 0.99999775225 | 5.13% | 0.99999614386 | 58.29% | ||
Gmina Godkowo | 0.99999807193 | 16.97% | 0.99999695305 | 63.28% | ||
1 | Szkoła Podstawowa, 11 Bielica | 0.9999994456 | 15.86% | 0.99999868132 | 42.42% | |
2 | Urząd Gminy, 14 Godkowo | 0.9999989110 | 23.06% | 0.99999857143 | 76.92% | |
3 | Budynek Szkoły, 29 Dobry | 0.9999997327 | 8.79% | 0.999999730 | 90.00% | |
Gmina Młynary | 0.9999998515 | 0.82% | 0.9999995446 | 32.61% | ||
1 | Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Dworcowa 10 Młynary | 0.999999937 | 0.78% | 0.9999997525 | 28.00% | |
2 | Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Warszawska 1 Młynary | 0.999999955 | 0.83% | 0.9999998812 | 41.67% | |
3 | Szkoła Podstawowa, 48 Błudowo | 0.999999973 | 0.88% | 0.999999919 | 33.33% | |
Gmina Milejewo | 0.9999998317 | 1.20% | 0.9999996535 | 48.57% | ||
1 | Gimnazjum, Szkolna 4 Milejewo | 0.999999919 | 1.01% | 0.9999998218 | 50.00% | |
2 | Świetlica Wiejska, 40 Pomorska Wieś | 0.999999928 | 1.52% | 0.9999998317 | 47.06% |